Friday, September 20, 2013

Headed to Houston!

Hey, today I got my reassignment! I'm going to Houston Texas!

My flight leaves early on Tuesday morning.  Two others from my district got reassigned to Houston as well, so I'll be flying with them. 

I'm excited to go to Houston; mostly because I didn't pack for cold weather and it definitely isn't cold down on the Gulf of Mexico, lol. I am dreading the humidity though. Elder McCleve is the other Elder in my district who got reassigned there; which means that we've been called to each other's same mission twice now (Florianopolis and now Houston), and we're both from Seattle area. Weird.

So I got my hair cut  today and went to the Provo Temple for the last time.

Today, I met two people who are connected to our family. The doctor who looked at my foot today turned out to be Uncle Steve's old mission companion, Bill Jackson.  There was also a temple worker in the Provo Temple named Ted Duffin, who turned out to be one of Dad's cousins.  So I thought that was interesting!

This was one of my Portuguese teachers, Brother Durfee. I would ALWAYS draw bunny ears on the whiteboard and try to get a photo of him wearing them at the right angle, but he would always catch me before I could get it, and he'd erase them.
 I FINALLY got him in this one! haha
Also, tell Sarah Duffin that I ran into an Elder Victory here at the MTC. He says she's friends with his sister.

Oh, and tell Mimi and Ron that I got their Cinnabons and that I say thanks! They were tasty :)

I took a few elders on a tour of our neighborhood last night using Google maps; our house got compliments ;)

Glad to hear that your garden is holding up against the weather, Mom! I'm starting to see signs of Fall here in Provo. It was chilly this morning, and the leaves are starting to change colors. I don't ever want to live in Utah; the weather's too bipolar. Of course, I'm sure Utah's freak rainstorms are better than Texas's humidity :P  Oh well, lol.

Thanks for all the letters and pictures and packages and stuff!

This made me laugh so hard. This was one of the cards from one of the 6 yr olds I taught in Sunday school class. The translation below made it a lot clearer---hahaha    

The shower heads here look like Daleks, lol

I'm looking forward to talking to you on Tuesday from the airport! And if you could send me another jar of pickled beans to celebrate, that would be much appreciated!

Love, Elder Duffin