Monday, July 6, 2015

Thoughts on Patience, Companions, and the Heat

Hey Mom,

Sorry you couldn´t have fireworks on Independence day.    Obviously, there was no celebration here; though we did attend the birthday dinner party of a member and taught their friends a bit. We ate pizza. 
Eating corn at last week's Festa Junina
You were talking about people with poor social skills. Elder Shakespaere told me horror stories about his very socially challenged companion in the MTC; made me reflect on all the companions I´ve had. I´ve really lucked out on companions for my whole mission. I´m really hoping I get to stay comps with Shakespaere till I come home.

Shakespaere also shared with me a quote from his trainer: ``Never pray for patience; you´ll get a bad companion.´´ Ha ha!

Me with Elder Gonzales
I don´t think I´ll be fazed by the hot weather at home at all. ☀ I went into early stages of heatstroke fairly regularly while I was in Houston; it was abominably hot there. And it was in the 90´s almost every day for most of my time in Xanxerê. The temperature in Grants Pass sounds ridiculous though.  [I told him it has been 107 where his grandparents live in Oregon.] 

Some of the scenery in my area
The cookies Catriel sent were kind of stale by the time they got here, but they were still good! 

I like the pics you sent, Dad.  It looks like everyone had a good time at the 4th of July picnic. I also saw your avalanche video; that was cool.
More local scenery
Hope everything goes well with your prep for the trip. Hope you´ll all be safe traveling too. Looking forward to seeing your pics of Germany.

I love you Dad; thanks for all your love and support.  Love you too, Mom. Keep me in your prayers; you´re in mine.

Talk to you later,

Elder Duffin