Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Visiting Baptist Churches & Hindu Temples

Hey Mom!
Glad to hear you're all surviving the snowstorm up there. It's just kind of rainy down here now; hasn't been too bad. Jake Theriault says he's in ten below weather and has to shovel himself through the snow to places, haha. It's not nearly as bad down here at all.

A neighborhood in my area

Yesterday I attended that old Baptist church I told you about a few weeks ago. It's a very tiny congregation; only ten people were there, including me, my companion, and Brother Young (the member whose assignment it is to attend on Sundays), and all of them were older folks. Their building was built in 1869; they're undergoing repairs right now. Brother Young attending their services has really warmed them up to our church. They didn't even think we were Christians before he came! They had little paddles in their pews, each bearing a picture of a black Jesus. I wanted to discreetly take a picture of one, but didn't get the opportunity. The whole hour-long experience was very interesting; they were all very friendly.

That was the big interesting thing that happened this week. Missionary work in this area has been slow going. I bike around all day and we try to talk to people on the street and visit less active members, who are almost always gone during daytime hours. We have an Indian investigator named Achu (he goes by Martin) who we're hoping to get a lesson with today;  also an investigator named Bill. We'll see if that happens.
I haven't gotten your package yet, but I haven't checked the mail today yet either. So maybe it'll be in today.
I don't think missionaries do anything for Valentines Day. It's not really the kind of holiday we can celebrate, haha. [I asked him if they were doing anything out of the ordinary on the 14th.]

Local turtle family

I'll send my camera's memory card back a few weeks after I get the package; I have over a thousand and 30 pictures on there, and I have a few I need to print out at Walmart before I send it off to you. 

Thanks for the pictures! I'm going to a Hindu Temple today, so I'll send you some pics of that next week. I'll send you some pictures now, too. 
I'm jealous of you going to England! You'll have fun there. Send me lots of pictures, and be safe! :) 

Sorry to hear you were all sick. There was a nasty cold down here that I caught about a month ago; I was out for about a week. Love you Mom; hope you start feeling better soon! Thanks for writing me!

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin