Monday, February 3, 2014

Flat tires, Chopsticks & A Few Good Lessons

Dear Mom & Dad,

Glad to hear the Seahawks won the Superbowl---everyone in Washington must be very happy!

I miss stuff like that sometimes, but not enough to deter me. I'm doing good down here; it's been cold off and on for the past week, but we've managed. Had some good lessons with two new investigators last week too, so that's exciting---one guy is named Bill and a couple whose last name is Bells.

We did not have a snowstorm, haha. There was really cold rain, but no snow. I was able to find rides from members when it was raining, so I didn't have to bike around in that.

Today, nearly everything went wrong---ha ha. It was actually quite comical. We were about to go to the church to email at 10:00 am this morning, but when we were about to get in elder Hansen's car we realized there was a big eye-hook puncturing the car's tire. 

We live a block away from a Firestone, so we limped the car over there. They told us it would take them two hours to change the tires.

Two. Hours.

So, we got a ride from the Chinese speaking elders to go to the church while the car was worked on. But when we got to the church, we found that the internet was down!

Soooooo then we went to Chinatown and ate lunch with the rest of our district. I finally figured out how to use chopsticks!

We were there until the car was done and once it was done we tried to go back to the church after shopping, but the Chinese elders had left and we had their cell phone for some reason so we couldn't contact them.

So now we're at the library emailing. :P  [They are not able to be online very long at the library]

The city I'm in is called Sugarland. I'm near the mission office.

I've been out SIX MONTHS. SIX. That 1/4 of the mission! It's gone by so fast for me. Craziness. 

I'm still doing good down here; the weather is pretty nice today. Ready for the visa to come through though :P I'm starting to think that Visa's are the stuff of myth, lol. It'll get here when it gets here. 

I like the photos you sent Dad! Blackanne has never been very enthusiastic about posing for pictures, haha. I like the sunrise behind Mt Rainer.

Glad to hear you're all doing well! I miss you, and I love hearing from you every week!


Elder Duffin