Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The 3 H's: Heat, Humidity, and Hunger

Hey Mom!

I didn't know you guys were heading to Vegas! Sounds like you had a good time. Patrick, our recent convert, was in Vegas last week participating in a ballroom dance competition.

You mentioned horrid heat; it's the same here but with very high humidity.  My shirts have permanent sweat stains on them.  It's really hot here, but I haven't sweated so much that my tie knot gets soaked through, like Dad described. That's crazy. I've been drinking enormous amounts of water.

I'm doing good though; it's P-day so I don't have to be riding the bike too much today.

The only two things I don't like about bike areas are: 
1: I become disgustingly sweaty and disheveled looking, and 
2: I am constantly hungry.  
It's purely the heat that causes both of these things; neither happened to me during the winter. I still prefer biking in the heat to freezing rain though.

Yes I did get the package; thank you! I appreciate it. 

I'm sad that Grandad can't have blackberry pie anymore! [This was in response to some dietary changes BD's grandad has had to follow.  Anything pie-related is big news in our family!]  :(  (Guess that just means more for me! Ha ha--just kidding.)  He could still eat rhubarb pie though, or cherry, or apple or pineapple or whatever. So that's not so bad.

Not much to write about this week; just went out and proselyted every day. My companion and I are still getting along well!

Love you mom! Thanks for writing me! 

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin

PS Tell the Daughertys I have been getting their letters and that I tell them thanks! :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Overcast Skies & No Transfer

Hey Mom!

I haven't gone to the mission office yet; I'll have to do it next week. (When you're in a bike area in the summer, you turn into this mangy, disgusting creature; no one with a car wants to be around you, so getting a ride to places is tough on P-days.)

Sorry to hear about Grandad's illness! Let him know I tell him to get better! I finished off his pickled beans a few weeks ago. It's a good thing my companion didn't like pickles!

Glad you were able to talk to Jon! I'm sure he's busy over there; I've sent him a few emails but haven't heard from him. Good to know he's doing well.  I'm sure he's getting tired of the heat. It's pretty miserable hot here too; not near as bad as Jon has it though. It's only been about 100 degrees here this week. I've grown fond of overcast skies again.

I like the pictures Dad sent! I miss mountains.
Transfers are this Wednesday, but I'm not getting transferred. (That's a first!) I'm hoping to stay in this last area till I leave for Brazil. I like this area and Elder Carter and I have been blessed with lots of people to teach.
Elder Carter and me

Not much else to say. I'm doing good; just keeping on keeping on! Glad to know that you all are doing well.

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me, and I hope your week will be great! 

Elder Duffin

Elder Duffin Baptizes!

Hey Mom!

I went to the temple this morning; that's why I'm emailing now! Had a good time. Ate at Chick-Fil-A afterwards.

Today, I went through the temple for one of my ancestors; specifically, my 11 times great grandfather on Grandma Duffin's side. :)  His name is Worall (no last name); he lived in England around the end of the 1500's. That was a cool experience. 

And yesterday was the first time I've ever baptized somebody! His name is Patrick Stuckwish; he was the investigator who just walked into church and found us, about a month ago. So that was a neat experience too. :) The ward here is really supportive and we had a great turnout to his baptism.

Those are the big highlights of the week. Every day this week we've had impressive thunder and lightning storms in the evenings. On the 4th we had lots of lightning, but we didn't get rained on. Didn't get to see much fireworks though; lightning sufficed--haha.
I'm actually really happy that it's been raining so much. The sun is merciless here.

And no, I do not have a picture of me riding a bike--nor would I give you one!  Me drenched in sweat is not a particularly pleasant sight.
Not much more to tell. Today we've got a few people we've planned to see in the evening. We've been blessed with some pretty prepared people to teach, so we're expecting another baptism happening soon!

Glad to hear everyone's 4th of July was great! I was just remembering how my original departure date for the mission was July 3rd of 2013; I'm almost at my year mark! I talked to my mission president and he says I'll get my visa soon. That means I'll have served HALF of the mission here in the states and half in Brasil! Crazy! It's bittersweet though; I've grown to love the mission here. But I'm glad to know I'll still be going to Brasil!

Love you Mom! I'll send you some pictures! 

Talk to you later!

Elder Duffin :)