Monday, July 21, 2014

Overcast Skies & No Transfer

Hey Mom!

I haven't gone to the mission office yet; I'll have to do it next week. (When you're in a bike area in the summer, you turn into this mangy, disgusting creature; no one with a car wants to be around you, so getting a ride to places is tough on P-days.)

Sorry to hear about Grandad's illness! Let him know I tell him to get better! I finished off his pickled beans a few weeks ago. It's a good thing my companion didn't like pickles!

Glad you were able to talk to Jon! I'm sure he's busy over there; I've sent him a few emails but haven't heard from him. Good to know he's doing well.  I'm sure he's getting tired of the heat. It's pretty miserable hot here too; not near as bad as Jon has it though. It's only been about 100 degrees here this week. I've grown fond of overcast skies again.

I like the pictures Dad sent! I miss mountains.
Transfers are this Wednesday, but I'm not getting transferred. (That's a first!) I'm hoping to stay in this last area till I leave for Brazil. I like this area and Elder Carter and I have been blessed with lots of people to teach.
Elder Carter and me

Not much else to say. I'm doing good; just keeping on keeping on! Glad to know that you all are doing well.

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me, and I hope your week will be great! 

Elder Duffin