Friday, September 5, 2014

Sao Paulo MTC Confidential

Hey Mom!

I'm doing good! Being in the MTC again is weird though, haha.

When I got here the President had us visa waiters grouped together and told us that because we've all had about a year's experience in the field, our time here would be spent focusing just on learning  Portuguese instead of "how to be a missionary" like the new missionaries.

Total lie. :P

We've been treated like greenies since we arrived, which has made being here a bit frustrating at times. The day after I got here we had to sit through a 40 minute presentation entitled "For New Missionaries," which explained the missionary dress code and lots of other things that we've known for over a year.

But aside from that, I love being here! It's been fun learning the language. I've got some great teachers. It's remarkable just how much I've found I'm able to remember and use the language. The gift of tongues is real and it's awesome! I can understand about 90 percent of what people say and can respond intelligently. Complete opposite of Provo, ha ha!

Sao Paulo MTC -- Elder Duffin is in the back row, third from the left
 We eat good food here; rice and beans are almost always part of every meal but we eat other things too. It's actually not very different at all from the states.

Everyone in my district gets along with each other well; it's been pretty fun getting to know all them, as well as all the Brazilian missionaries here. 

The MTC here is nice; but different from the one in Provo. It's not as big and there are a lot of  Brazilians, lots of South Americans and few North Americans. It's been fun though! 

We've also gotten to go outside and proselytize, twice. That was very cool.

We went to the Sao Paulo temple today. It's a gorgeous temple. The inside was just beautiful; I wish I could've taken pictures of the stained glass art inside. 

Sao Paulo Temple

[I found a picture of the stained glass in the lobby on the internet---Shari]
 Love you Mom! I love the pictures, Dad! And I enjoyed talking to everyone from the airport. 

Love you Sis! I saw your senior photos that Dad sent; I like them a lot. Have fun in school--it'll be over before you know it.

Thanks for all your prayers, they're paying off!

Talk to you when I'm in Florianopolis!

Elder Duffin