Monday, October 13, 2014

Birthdays, Beards, and More Food Talk

Hey Mom!

Sounds like you had a fun weekend in California! I forgot how much of a desert it is there, ha ha. It´s starting to get hot here too; which is really weird because it´s October. Inverted summers.

I´m jealous of the ice cream bar you went to! The ice cream here in Brazil isn't the real stuff; it's like frozen whipped cream. You can get real ice cream, but it´s pretty expensive.

Speaking of food, the little french fries they sprinkle on their food are called Batata Palha.
Batata Palha
The dirt drink is Chimarrão. They serve it hot. I tried Cha mate and it´s a little better, if you put sugar or something in it. They drink Chimarrão out of a cool little gourd-goblet with a special metal straw; I´m going to buy one and bring it back with me when I come home. :)
Drinking Chimarrão
 Thanks for mailing the package! I will get it next month at zone conference.

Not much to say about what´s going on here. We´re just trying to catch the investigators the sisters left us when they´re home. We walk a lot, which is nice. 
The city is huge so walking to where investigators are takes up a lot of time during the day.  But we found two new people to teach yesterday, so things are picking up.

Glad to hear Jon´s back home!

I just remembered a story that my last companion in Texas told me.  I asked him what was the weirdest thing that's happened to him on his mission.  He told me about this one investigator. He said he was teaching her about the presidents of the church and had a gospel art book with pictures of all of them. 

When the investigator saw the pictures, she said "Oh I´d marry Brigham Young no matter HOW many wives he already had! His beard is so jagged!" Made me laugh!

I enjoyed seeing the pictures you sent! The one that Dad took of the lunar eclipse and Mt Rainier is amazing! When I get home I´m going to make that into a poster.

Oh, and happy BIRTHDAY, Mom. I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate it with you and don't have enough time to get a card to you. Glad you had fun though!

Thanks for being so great to me, Mom! I really appreciate all you do and I'm grateful for the things you've taught me! (I budget my money better than any of the other missionaries I've seen) and I'm looking forward to honing my writing skills with you when I get back! 

I'm still bitter about Kumon, but I appreciate your good intentions! ;P  
I owe you everything! Thanks for your prayers and support! 

Love you Mom! And Happy Birthday!!! Para bens para Você! 
I´ll talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin