Monday, October 6, 2014

A Transfer to Xanxerê and Conference Talkback

Hey Mom!

I am doing great! Two days ago my companion and I got transferred to a city called Xanxerê. We are going to be here at least till the end of the transfer.  (I cannot seem to switch this keyboard into English, so it is impossible for me to type apostrophes -- drat.) 
View of Xanxerê, courtesy of Google Images
The sister missionaries who were here before us left a huge teaching pool, so we will be busy! Which is good because I feel best when I have things to do. :)
[Just kidding.  This is what came up when I tried to find an image of people in a teaching pool.]
I was a little homesick last week. I have not had any problems adjusting to Brazil though; it is not too different from the states at all--other than the dirt drink, ha ha. I will buy some and bring it back home so you can try it. ;)  
[Elder Duffin's reaction to the herbal drink Brazilians enjoy]
I think it was just being out on the mission for so long. I am doing much better now! I have found that when I am preoccupied with teaching people I feel better.  My Portuguese is coming along well, too.

I am in a branch right now. We watched conference in the tiniest church building I have ever been in. For conference they have live people who translate into Portuguese on the spot, like the English translator you guys heard for the talks in other languages. I watched conference in the clerk's office in English. 

I liked Uchtdorf's talk about deep space telescopes and Bednar's talk about his little boy treating the scrape on his younger brothers arm--ha ha ha. 
I like the pictures you sent, Dad! Catriel looks very grown up. It is weird thinking that she will be graduated by the time I get home.  Jon sent me an email.  Glad to hear he will be back in the UK soon.

Running out of time--gotta go!

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me. Tell everyone I say hi and to be safe in their travels.

Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin