Tuesday, November 11, 2014

One way to respond when you're laughed at...also, SCARY moths

Hey Mom!

I´m doing good! I´m jealous of the stormy weather you´re having back home; though we did have some nice cloudy days this week down here. I´ve developed a strong dislike for the sun. 

Not much has happened this week. For the last three days we´ve been going back and forth from Xanxerê to Chapecó for various reasons. I´m in Chapecó now and will be here all day. Next week will be back to normal.
We got four new investigators this week. I was walking down a road in the evening and there was a full moon. I decided to stop and take a picture of it by one of these menorah- looking pine trees they have down here. 
Brazilian pine tree
While I was taking a picture, I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw four people in their 20´s sitting on a porch all laughing at me. We started talking to them and eventually taught them. They were very interested and we´ll be teaching them again soon.

Not much else to tell as far as lessons and investigators go. We visit a lot of less active members here too.
Me with a cow statue
My companion and I taught primary yesterday. The branch here is small, so there were only two kids in the class. They were nine years old, I think. We taught them about Daniel and the Lion´s den.

The stories you told about the dogs made me laugh, ha ha. Lots of people down here have Shih Tzus. It´s fun for me whenever I get the chance to play with one; reminds me of our's. 
​I feel like this is what Mothrah should actually look like. There are a lot of moths here. You can't touch the caterpillars here; they´re poisonous. Some of them cause paralysis.
I like the pictures you sent, Dad! The background looks like the twilight zone.  My companion says you look like a college professor, ha ha!

I'm doing good. I get along great with my companion and we're starting to find more people to teach. I only have six transfers left; doesn't seem real. 
Elder Close and I had to run through a rainstorm. Got soaked!

I am looking forward to hanging out with you guys again though; glad I'll have time to do that before I go to college.

Thanks for your love and support!  I love hearing from you every week!  I´m going to try to send pictures now.

Elder Duffin