Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ben-Daniel as District Leader, Pizza Eater, Service Provider, and BBQ Attendee

Hey Mom,

Despite how fast everyone thinks the time went back home, the mission has definitely been two years long, ha ha! Whenever I think of the start of my mission, I´m boggled by how LONG ago that was.😵 Gives me some comfort for the rest of life though; it won´t go by too fast, ha ha. When I compare my time in Texas to my time here, Texas seemed longer than the time I´ve spent in Brazil, even though technically I´ve been here longer. Maybe staying in Xanxerê for so long made the time seem shorter here.

I think it´s funny that I´ll never actually know what it´s like to serve in one mission for two years!  I´m very excited to come home now, though.

[I told him a story about our dog stealing tomatoes out of the garden.] Blackanne does like tomatoes. I remember she´s done it before. I like the picture of you holding up the tomato and her looking ashamed--ha ha.😉

It was Father´s day in Brazil yesterday; I thought of you, Dad! Wish I could send you a Brazilian pizza--they´re really good. 
Mesa and I eating pizza to celebrate his birthday.
Me and my district (I´m district leader again)

I ordered chocolate stuffed crust (yeah, you can order that here) and they stuffed the crust with freaking mayonnaise; so we didn´t eat the crust. The Brazilian affinity for mayonnaise is probably the most unexpected thing I´ve encountered here.😛
Hope your knee gets better, Dad. I had problems with my feet after I got to Brazil; lots of walking.  Hope you have a good birthday this coming Saturday, too. I´m looking forward to celebrating all the August birthdays with the family when I get back.

I am very excited to come home; two years is a long time. I´ve missed you guys terribly.

I like the pictures! All of my companions have been very impressed with your photography, Dad. I made a big collage of your pictures on my wall above my desk.

Just waiting for the weeks to pass and doing what I can here. I don´t think I´ll get to see any more baptisms before I go home, but there are people who we´re working with who I think could be ready to be baptised next month.

(I got a haircut right before coming here. I just touched my hair and it rained down hair clippings all over the keyboard!  Took me by surprise.)

Love you Mom! Can´t wait to see you again! I´ll send you some pictures now.

Cow udder fruit (not for eating; it´s poisonous).

Service project

We had a barbeque with one of my favorite families in the ward yesterday.

Talk to you next week! (It will be the last time via email from Brazil!!) Have a good one!

Elder Duffin