Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brazilian Birthday Song and more...

Hey Mom!
Glad to hear you're having fun in MN!  I look forward to more photo's. :)
I have not received your package yet :P I checked the mission office on the 10th but it hadn't come in. That was the same day we got to hear Elder Golden speak. He's a member of the 70; he was an awesome teacher. I really enjoyed his talk and the discussion he had with all of us missionaries.
I am recovered from the chicken pox. They gave me meds; I had to take 4 pills, 4 times a day. 16 pills a day, for a whole week! The pox marks were going away even before they gave me the meds, so it just helped. I finished them all yesterday. I was only quarantined for two days---Monday and Tuesday
These are some of the pills I took for Chicken pox
My companion's name is Elder Shuler. He likes to write and he's a big scifi/fantasy enthusiast, so we get along well. He's from Utah, and he's been a little over a year on his mission.
Right now, I'm mostly teaching less active members. We don't tract here at all; the only way we contact new people is through referrals from members, so we teach a lot of active members too. I have two investigators that I'm teaching now. One of them is a 15--16 year old kid and the other is a middle-aged man. Elder Shuler and I got a less active sister to come to church yesterday. Elder Shuler had been working with her for some time, so he was pretty excited.
Beautiful Texas sky
When I was quarantined in the apartment on Monday, two men came to fix our water heater (our hot water only lasted about a minute in the shower and then it would turn freezing). One of them almost immediately started talking about religion and expressed a lot of interest in the church, so we had a lesson right there in the apartment. We gave him a Spanish Book Of Mormon and referred him to the Spanish speaking missionaries.
So that was cool. I like having people come to me to learn about the Gospel better than me coming to them lol ;P
They didn't really fix our water heater, though.  We now have no hot water at all---so it's been Siberian showers for us every morning. One day our AC broke too, but I was on an exchange that day and I wasn't in the apartment, haha. AC's fixed now. Just need a better water heater :P
They have the coolest public library here; it's huge. It's where we come to do emails. You'd really like it.
Glad to hear the Seahawks are doing well! People here are all football zealots.
You'll be getting a birthday card from me soon! :) I happen to have colored pencils, so it's in full Technicolor lol. Hope you had a good birthday! MN sounds fun.
Artwork. I draw these things to keep myself awake in meetings.
Tell everyone I say hi! 
I'm attaching some more pictures. Did you get the ones I sent two weeks ago? I wasn't sure if it worked or not.

My desk

We bought alcohol pads and we were very disappointed in how small they were. "Everything's bigger in Texas" RIGHT.

This is a close up of my desk. Can you spot my name?
I love you mom! :) Thanks for keeping me posted!
Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin
PS. And Happy Birthday! You'll have to learn the Brasilian birthday song; it's much more fun than our's.
It goes to the tune of the regular Happy Birthday song, but a little faster, and you clap to keep time. Then you shout the other lines after the song part while you clap.
It goes like this:
Para bens, pra voce!
Nessi data querida!
muitos felicidades,
Muitos anos de vida! (x2)
a big (x5)!
a hora (x5)!
Ra! Tim! Bum! (pronounced "Hah" "Cheem" "Boom")
your name (x5)
Super fun. You should try it!   lol.
Happy Birthday!