Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween plans, neat freaks, and the lack of written mail

I went to the Houston Temple this morning. It was about a 2 hour drive over there. We tried to make the 8:00 session but we were just a few minutes too late. We went to the 9:00 session. The Houston Temple is pretty.

I can't believe it's almost Halloween again! It doesn't seem like all that long ago I was cashiering at Target, packing candy into procrastinator's grocery bags on Halloween night, lol. 
My companion says the Mission Prez makes us stay in our apartments all evening on Halloween. I'm looking forward to it because I don't have hardly any time at all to just read and study.  
My companion will probably try to make me use that time to clean the apartment; he's a neat-freak. It's his only bad attribute.
That's exciting to hear about your London trip! You'll have to send me pictures. Remember, though, we're still going to visit Jon and Hillary when I get back! 
Did I tell you I met another person named Catriel last week? Her name was spelled with a "K" instead of a "C," but it was still cool to meet another person with that name. I never thought that would happen, ever.

[The Real Catriel :) ]
I'm really sorry I haven't been able to get any written mail out. I literally have NO TIME AT ALL to even write letters. That's why it's taking so long. :P  I am trying my best to find time to work on all that though.
Tell Sister Brower I did get the letter from Logan; it was very funny!
This is a sign on a street outside the library. You can't see it in this picture, but there are more signs on that street than I've ever seen on any street before---hahaha.   
I laughed at this apartment patio because the picture of the cat on the left is totally stalking the bird in the birdcage. The bird must be terrified all the time!
Another doodle that helped me stay awake during stake conference.
I miss you all! Glad to hear from you, Mom.  I look forward to hearing from all of you every week.  Let me know how your Halloween goes!
Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin
PS.  I love the pictures you sent of the Japanese garden! Very pretty. We don't have any fall colors here yet. The weather's a lot like a Washington summer; everything is still green.