Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hyperactive Eight Year Olds & Busy Days

Hey Mom!

Sorry I'm writing on Tuesday; we were planning on going to the temple today so we had to move our P-day to today. Our ride to the temple got sick though, so we didn't get to go. 
Houston LDS Temple
I loved the pictures of Minnesota! Especially the waterfall. That's cool that Irene's house is still there.  [Shari: We sent him photos of our family history research trip.]
I taught an eight year old named Kurt this week. His dad is a member and wants to get him baptized, so we've been teaching him.
Kurt is the most hyperactive eight year old I've ever met. He has next-to-no attention span. 
We taught him on Tuesday and he was actually doing pretty good that day. We showed him a church video of Christ being baptized and then discussed it with him afterward. We asked him questions and he was giving intelligent answers, showing that he had been paying attention for longer than three minutes.
Then I asked him, "So, Kurt, why do you think Jesus wanted to be baptized?"
And Kurt, staring off into space and rubbing his stomach, said, "I ate cheese today and I don't feel so good."
Aaaaaaaand, Kurt was done paying attention.
It was all I could do not to bust up laughing right then and there. The look that his dad gave him was priceless too. 
It only made it funnier when his dad told us Kurt was not allergic to dairy products at all!
I'm very, very busy. I haven't had time at all to write letters to anyone. Even Pdays are busy. I'm trying to get your birthday card sent off as soon as I can.
I got your package yesterday with the pickled beans and health insurance card! Thank you! We have a fridge, so I'm trying to make them last.
There's an older couple in our stake from England and I asked them about Lakenheath. [BD's brother & sister-in-law have just been stationed at Lakenheath.]  They said it's a nice area.
[I asked him what he wanted for Christmas.]  Ha ha, you know I don't ever know what I want for Christmas!  I definitely want more pictures mailed to me---of you all and the pets. I like food too, lol. Can't really go wrong with food. 

I'll send you a few pictures now. I'll probably just mail you the SD card when it's full. It has some video's on it, which I can't send via email, for some reason.
Glad to hear from all of you! Keep me in your prayers; you're in mine! :)
I love you, Mom! thanks for all you do for me!
Elder Duffin
[He must have run out of time because I didn't get any picture files this week.  I'm putting up a picture of the Houston LDS temple, which he mentions in this post, and a few clip art items for illustration purposes. :) ]