Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Funny Stories and an Upcoming Transfer (also, Men in Hats)

Dear Mom & Dad & Catriel,

Glad to hear everything's going well up there! :) The ward Christmas party down here was nice too; we had a few less active families attend, so we were excited.

I just got the Christmas packages today; thank you! :) I also got a package from Grandma and Grandpa; they sent me two bags of Grandpa's candy.

Elder Hansen thought it was hilarious when he saw that Mom had written him a postcard. 

Me and Elder Hansen

His companion, Elder Carter, bought a realistic cat statue from a thrift store a few days ago.

Last night, before they got home, I took it and put it in the fridge. At about 10:30pm last night Elder Hansen opened the fridge to get some water and shrieked when he saw the cat. >:D 


That's just a taste of the ridiculousness that goes on in this apartment---ha ha!

Christmas tree!  Me eating the popcorn cake you sent.

I think subbing for seminary is normal for missionaries. We haven't had to do it this week though, thank goodness. I think it's just to give the seminary teachers a break; but I don't see how it's much of a break, seeing as they have to be there even when we're teaching :P

This was my district this morning at ihop. From left to right is Elder Sami, Elder Moyes, Elder Shuler, Sister Johnson, Sister Jackson, and me.

I found out yesterday that I'm being transferred to another area on Wednesday. I'm kind of bummed; I like my companion, Elder Shuler, and I've had fun with Elder Hansen and Carter. I'm excited to go to a new area though.

I found out from Elder Shuler that I will be skyping you all on Christmas day. He says that "Google Hangout" works much better than Skype though, so see if you can get that on the computer. I'm looking forward to seeing you all again! :)

I saw the pictures Dad took of Catriel in Tacoma. Hey! Those are really good! They'd be good senior photos if she weren't a junior. She's going to have great Senior pictures next year.  Looking forward to seeing Dad's pics of Eric's wedding in Salt Lake.

So, I taught a 9 yr old a couple of days ago. I taught him about the Restoration. After I had told him about the apostles having the priesthood and then being killed, he got up and said, "Well, that's true; but let me tell you something. I know that back then some people fell down, and some people went up; but the real question, the real question is: do we go to heaven with clothes, or without clothes?"

He wasn't trying to be funny either; he was totally serious. It was hilarious. I lost all my composure and laughed; so did his parents.

Thanks for writing to me, you guys. I look forward to it every week! Thanks for being there for me and for giving me encouragement. :)

Sorry I haven't sent pictures in a while; I'll do that now.  

This is me and Elder Shuler at Kurt's baptism a few weeks ago.

This hat isn't mine, but I wish it was! 

I love you and I'll talk to you next week.

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin