Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rain and Holiday Lights in Houston

Dear Mom & Dad,
Sounds like you had a good week! It's been cold down here too, in the low 40's and high 30's. It's starting to warm up again now though. Today it's wet and drizzly. I've been making good use of the sweaters I have.

There are lots of Christmas lights popping up here and there in the neighborhoods round about this place. Everyone is very festive.

I had to teach early morning Seminary last Thursday. Bleh! I thought I was done with Seminary hours when I graduated. Oh well.
We just got a new investigator, named Steve. He's been fun to teach. The first time the missionaries came over, about a week ago, he wasn't interested in the message, but they told him to read a few verses of the Book of Mormon and then pray. He decided to do so after they left. He prayed about a problem he was having and immediately received a clear and startling revelation, telling him what to do. He's never felt the spirit before and is now convinced that God exists and wants him to learn more about what we're teaching. I taught him twice after that. He's going to be baptized on January 4th.
I'm going to try to send you a Christmas card next week :) 
I love you mom, Thanks for writing!
Elder Ben-Daniel Dufifin