Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NASA Tour, Thanksgiving, and Mystery popcorn

Dear Mom & Dad,
Sorry I didn't write on Monday.  P-day was changed to Tuesday this week.

I received your packages! The little Christmas tree and popcorn cake came first.
The popcorn thing was hilarious. I had no idea what was going through your head--- hahaha.
The cake is good! But, why is it covered in popcorn? I figured you had made the cake and were intending to give me popcorn as well, but you told Dad to pack it in the box and he just decided to put them both in the same bag---hahaha. 
[Note from Shari: My friend Lynn told me how to safely mail a cake to someone.  It has to be Angel food cake.  You frost it however you like and then put it in a turkey roasting bag.  Then you pop basic popcorn in oil on the stove.  When it's cool,  you pour it all over the cake in the bag and then tie it off.  The oil in the popcorn keeps the cake from drying out and the popcorn itself cushions the cake.]
I like the Christmas tree! It makes the apartment more festive.

I had a great Thanksgiving. We ate with the Bartons and Brother Barton's mother. Small crowd, but it was fun. The Bartons are a young couple and it was their first Thanksgiving as heads of the household---cool to be a part of.

This morning my whole district and I got a free private tour of NASA. Super cool. A member here designs space suits for NASA and was nice enough to give us a private tour for free. 

This is a massive pool they use to train astronauts.

Astronaut fitting into his suit for training

Speaking of pictures, I'm using a different card now; I don't know how many more photos the first one will hold now, so I put in a new one before we went to NASA.   I'll have to send you the pictures of me with the tree and stuff next week.

Glad you were able to meet the Browns! [Shari again: Ben-Daniel's mission leader in the ward in which he's working visited our area and offered to connect with us and take a package back to him.]  They're super nice. I thought that'd be a nice treat for you and Dad when he suggested visiting you while he was up there. 

I've wanted to see Ephraim's Rescue! The producer of that movie gave a talk at the MTC; he showed a few clips from the movie too.

Your story about the pies is hilarious! I had key-lime pie for the first time yesterday; I now love Key-Lime pie.

Anyway, I've been doing well. It got warm again down here, so it feels like summer again. I'm enjoying it!

There's a 60 year old neighbor friend of ours who is like the king of the stray cats in our apartment complex. Every time we go over to say hi there's four or five cats hanging around his front door.  It's awesome; that's going to be me when I'm his age!

Well, I'd better send you those pictures and email Catriel. Thanks for writing me! Glad to hear all is well at home. Say hi to all the relatives for me!

I love you Mom! :)

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin