Monday, January 27, 2014

Baptist Church Buildings and Texan Opinions on Winter Weather

Hey Mom! I'll answer your questions.

You should send mail and packages to the mission office; nobody in our apartment complex gets their mail sent here, for some reason.

Current mailing address:

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin
Houston South Mission
602 Eldridge
Sugarland, TX 77478

I did get the fudge Debbie sent; tell her thank you for me.  It was delicious! 

 I'm out of allergy pills, but I am going to buy more when we go shopping today. My apartment has mold in it, so I have an immediate need for them, haha. I forgot to buy them last Monday and the week was rough because of it. Other than that, I'm doing well on that stuff right now.

Your Sunday sounds interesting! I had to teach our elders quorum yesterday; that went okay. Next Sunday we're going to a Baptist church; I'll tell you why, lol. 

There is a really old Baptist church building here, built all the way back at the end of the Civil War. The community is trying to preserve it as a historical landmark. It's built on land that is owned by someone other than the Baptist church. The original agreement made back when the church was built was that the church could use the land and the building as long as they had a certain minimum number of people coming to attend services every Sunday. Well, now the congregation's numbers are dwindling and the community doesn't want the land to go back to the owner, in order to preserve the building.  There's a guy in our ward whose church calling is to go and attend Sunday meetings in this Baptist church to help keep their numbers up! Isn't that the strangest calling you've ever heard of? Hahaha! So, we're going to attend next Sunday and meet people. It's a good missionary opportunity. So that'll be interesting.

It's been pretty cold down here too. Thursday we had a very mild ice storm and Friday was just kind of chilly and all the ice melted. But they canceled school on Friday anyway! hahaha. Nobody knows how to drive down here in frozen weather and apparently having ice the night before was enough to make everyone terrified of the roads. 

Some frozen grass from Thursday
  Other than that, this week was kinda boring. Didn't get to teach a whole lot; not many people were home and the few who were, weren't willing to open their front doors on account of it being in the 40's.   

Staying warm in my turtleneck! lol. With the black pants it looks like a jump suit.

It's back to being warm and sunny again today, but everyone still thinks it's cold---haha. I think the warm weather is super nice because I have to go everywhere on a bike :P 


Thanks Dad, for the advice you always give me; it's helped me quite a bit out here! I am enjoying the mission. I've made a lot of good friends and have had some cool experiences.

I hope you're all doing well up there! Be safe in your travels; I pray for you all the time! Send me lots of pictures when you go see Jon & Hillary..

Love you guys! Thanks for writing me!

Elder Duffin

This is a Chinese hacky sack. I thought it was a hat, lol