Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas party report and Elder Close says "Adeus"

Hey Mom!

The Christmas conference last week was good! We just had a big party in a church building: lots of food, ping pong, board games, and video games for the Kinect. We did that pretty much all day. The mission president is really good at ping pong but he cheats at checkers (I played him and he makes up his own rules that ensure his victory, lol).

Elder Duffin is in the second row, seventh from the right
I also got one of your packages at the conference (not the one that was taxed; it was the one with all the food stuff and the santa decoration). :D Thanks so much! I had actually been craving Cheez its for a while; you read my mind! haha.

Today is my last day with Elder Close. He´s leaving for another area and I´ll be staying here. I´ll also be training my new companion. I don´t know yet whether he´s a new missionary who actually needs to be trained or just an American visa waiter like I was.

I´m not particularly happy about staying here (the work here is slow and I´ve never been in an area for longer than two transfers) but whatever.  I´m going to try to make the best of it. 
Sounds like you had a fun week! Glad to hear Uncle Steve is doing well and that his birthday party was fun. 

Sorry to hear about your back, Mom and about the pets and the broken glass!  I hope Grandad´s back is doing better, too (it seems like we all have bad backs in this family!)

I´m excited for Jacob! He´ll have a lot of fun there, I´m sure. Give him my email and tell him to write me. [Family friend Jacob Wagner received a mission call to England last week]

I´m happy to hear Grandma and Grandpa will be visiting you guys on Christmas! I´m looking forward to talking to you all. It will probably have to be via Skype, but we´ll see. I´m in the process of finding members who have Internet access and will be home on Christmas. 

[You can get in touch with a lot of people on Skype]
Looking forward to talking to you all on Christmas day!  Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do! :)

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin