Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Season in the Southern Hemisphere

It doesn´t feel like Christmastime. There are a few decorations around, but it´s summertime so that makes it really weird. I haven't felt cold weather since March! But thankfully they do celebrate Christmas here. It was a bummer not to have Halloween or Thanksgiving. 
Looks like dinner on P-day.  Soda and maybe pizza.
I think I took a picture of a giant metal Christmas tree they have here. I´ll send you some pics today.

You asked what kind of wildlife I've seen.  They have the same little brown finches we have back home, sparrows, a type of bird with two really long tail feathers, another type of bird that makes little mud huts instead of nests, scarab beetles, mosquitoes, ants, wasps, dragonflies, frogs--nothing too out of the ordinary. It´s a lot like Oregon, actually. People in the country have horses and cows. Everyone has dogs and cats. I´ve met some pet parrots, too.
This is the only wildlife photo he sent.
We´re having our Mission Christmas party this week; I´ll be traveling around for three days again to get there and back. I´ll send you pictures of that next week. :)
A picture from November's trip to Florianopolis on the bus.
I received a package from you last week, but I have to pay a tax on it to get it. Happy to get the package though! I should actually get it next week.

Jon and Hillary look cute in their jumpers! Christmas in England has got to be a fun experience. 

I like the pictures Dad sent. Wagner really looks like Santa Claus!  Ha ha! Grandad and Erma look nice, too.

Say Happy Birthday to Uncle Steve for me this weekend. And say hi to Grandma and Grandpa for me too! 
I´ll try to send you some pics now. Tell everyone I´m looking forward to seeing them this Christmas on skype. :)
Kidding around with the other missionaries
Love you Mom! Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin