Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Turning 21 in Brazil

Hey Mom!

Sorry I didn´t write yesterday. This city only has two lan houses [places to email] and both were closed :P Got permission from prezident to email today.

I really enjoyed talking to you all on Christmas! We ate a small dinner at the member´s place right after I stopped skyping you. Glad the rest of Christmas was good for you.

Ha ha ha! I´m sorry I missed the family white elephant gift party; your story cracked me up!

I´m super jealous about you guys seeing the Hobbit and Into the Woods! Catriel and I have a movie marathon planned for when I get back, so I guess we´ll have to add those to the list. 

I totally forgot it was my birthday this morning. I was looking at our calendar, writing down who we´d be lunching with for the week and I looked at my watch to see what day it was today and it said the 30th. For a second I was like, ``... there´s something about the 30th that has significance, but I´m not sure what it -- OH MAN! IT´S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY; WHAT??´´ Ha ha!

I do not feel any older; maybe a little tired, but not older.. I'm 21 years old now. The drinking age here is like twelve, so there´s nothing special about age 21 to Brazilians!
I'm reminded of the time Dad and I were driving along and then Dad said, `` Oh hey; it´s your birthday today! Happy Birthday.´´ I had completely forgotten it was my birthday that time too.

I guess my driver's license is dead now; looking forward to getting another one  ha ha NOT.

We´ll probably stay for the evening at one of the member's houses tomorrow for New Year's. I´m sure the people here will light off more fireworks and blare their car horns incessantly to celebrate.

Glad you´re all doing well and that I was able to talk to you all on Christmas! Looking forward to Mother´s Day when I can do it again! :)

I got you a nativity, Mom; just trying to figure out how best to send it back to the states :)

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! Talk to you next week.

Elder Duffin