Monday, April 13, 2015

What District Leaders Do and Pictures of Exotic Fruit

Hey Mom,

Sounds like you´re all having a good time. That´s quite an experience you had in primary, Mom!

This fruit is delicious. It´s called a Caqui. It´s kind of like an apple, and very sweet.

I´ve been collecting little things here and there to send home to you; I´m putting together a box or two. I´ll need to mail it off within these next two weeks before I get transferred.

I´m doing good too. I´ve seen how kind and patient Heavenly Father is with me during the mission; I'm really grateful for grace.  
Last two weeks in Xanxere. Can´t believe I´ve been here for almost seven months! This next week will be busy.  I don´t know yet where the mission president will send me.

Oh yeah, I´m a district leader now. I´ve been one for the past four weeks, actually. I conduct district meetings every week, call in numbers for the week and relay them to the zone leaders, and interview the investigators of the members of my district to be baptized.  It´s pretty nice; I like doing the interviews and it´s been cool to implement some of the things we did in Houston to my district.  I don´t travel to the mission office though; only zone leaders and assistants do that.

Yes, I got your three packages! I ate a lot of the snacks during conference. I´ve already gone through one of the jars of peanut butter--ha ha!  I´m enjoying opening up a letter a day and seeing pictures of you! :) 
I made my planner into a replica of the golden plates
Ha ha Mom, you do NOT look like Uncle Dwayne. I always show a picture of you guys to our investigators and they all comment on how young you and Dad look ;)
I´m jealous of Grandma and Grandpa´s opportunity to go to the FIRM conference; I really enjoyed the one I went to with them. I wrote them a letter last Monday and sent it on Saturday; so they should get it in a few weeks.  I wrote Hillary, too. I'm excited to visit her and Jon next fall! 

Love you Mom! I´m glad you´re doing well and having fun. I pray for you every day.

Have a great week; I´ll talk to you next Monday!

Elder Duffin