Monday, April 6, 2015

Narrowly Avoiding a Flood of Biblical Proportions

Hey Mom!

Looks like you all had a great Easter! I loved seeing all your smiling faces!

Some cactus, huh?
Brazilians call Easter Pascoa. It´s pretty much the same as in the states; lots of candy marketing. I like ``Candy Holidays.´´   
I had a pretty good Easter too. Everyone had family get-togethers. Though, during these get-togethers many of those families blared loud polka music into their neighborhoods.

Conference didn´t start till 1:00pm here, so we ate lunch beforehand. I felt the spirit more during this Conference than any other. Elder Anderson gave a great talk on recognizing God´s hand in our lives yesterday. I really enjoyed Holland´s talk, and Uchtdorf´s talk on grace. I love General Conference. This last one was the best one I´ve heard yet.

The weather was nice and chilly; it felt like springtime back home, actually! Ha ha! I ate a lot of the snacks you sent in the packages.  I got the packages this last week. Thanks so much!!! :D I´m enjoying opening a letter a day and seeing you. The quotes are very good, too. I appreciate it.

We had a baptismal service for our investigator, Arno, on Saturday, right after the first session of conference. That morning, before conference, we cleaned out the baptismal font and began to fill it up with water. The font fills very slowly, so I did not think to check it again before we locked up the church and walked to our lunch appointment--20 minutes away from the chapel. We were at lunch for a little under an hour and on the walk back to the chapel, I realized that the font must still be running! So we walked faster, hoping it hadn´t overflowed. When we got to the chapel, there was no water on the ground, but when I opened the doors to the font, I found it literally filled to the brim.  Only about two centimeters remained unfilled. Had we arrived even two minutes later than we had, it would have overflowed and that would have been a big problem! 

I quickly turned the water off, turned on the drain, then locked the font doors. Just in time too, because as I was closing the doors people started to show up for conference. It was quite a miracle of timing! 
The baptism went great! Arno's family did not attend the service, though. I was disappointed in them. I´m really grateful to have a family who is supportive of me. 

Wish I could´ve been with you all for Easter! That looked fun. Glad you all had a great time.
Love you, Catriel! I´m very proud of you and happy for your decision to go to BYU-Idaho!
Love you Dad! Thanks for your prayers and support; it´s helping a lot.  Thanks for sending me pictures each week. And tell Grandma and Grandpa that I got their letter and will respond to them soon.
Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do; looking forward to talking to you next month on Mother's Day.

Have a great week!

Elder Duffin