Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Recovering from a Cold plus really disgusting looking pictures of Chocolate Pizza

Hey Mom,
Well, I´ve come down with a pretty nasty cold.   This is only the third time I´ve gotten sick in Brazil.
So our plans to go to Floripa today have been thwarted. It was hard to even make myself leave the apartment to email. I´m hoping it´ll subside by the end of today.

My weather here is the same as yours yesterday [overcast & slightly muggy]; but I prefer it this way. I've just had back-to-back summers in Houston and subtropical Brazil. I do not hate sunshine, but as heat has an infuriating tendancy to accompany it, sunshine is not among my higher-ranking weather choices. Clouds are my best friends right now.

Much beloved clouds in Serraria
Ha ha, I liked the picture of your Sunday School class, Mom. I remember when I was teaching the story of Laban and the brass plates to my CTR 6 class, I had a picture of Laban lying in the street with Nephi approaching.  I made the mistake of asking, ``What did Nephi do when he saw Laban?´´ (thinking they already knew the story). The kids all responded ``Nephi helped him!´´ I did a facepalm in my mind and responded, ``Nope, he cut his head off!´´ I was met with some very shocked expressions! So then I had to explain why Nephi killed him.

                                 A pine cone with its seeds. People eat the seeds here!

I liked Dad's pictures of the Fun Run in Orting.  I started to get into running for morning excercises before I left Texas, but had to stop after I got to Brazil because of the problem I had with my feet. (I think improper shoes were to blame.)  I´d like to get back into it when I come home.

Catriel´s party looked really fun! They all looked very classy. I liked the thing you did with the lights on the deck.

An investigator of ours said she wants to be baptized! We´ve only taught her twice, so we´ve got more stuff to do before that happens. She has two kids; haven´t taught them yet, but I´m hoping they´ll want to be baptized, too.

Me and my zone    

Chocolate pizza is the best!
I´m gonna sign out. Love you Mom! I pray for you every day. Oh, I sent Grandad an email, too.

Talk to you next week.

Elder Duffin