Monday, May 4, 2015

New Area, New Companion, Lots of Photos this week!

Hey Mom!
I´m doing good! This week flew by for me; I´m really rather surprised it´s Monday again, ha ha.

I can´t believe Catriel is 18 now! Time flies. Sounds like she had a good birthday and that she´ll have a fun few weeks ahead of her. I´m sad that I won´t be there for her graduation.

Elder Shakespaere and I get along well and we've got a lot of people to teach, so we´ve been very busy. I´m one of the oldest missionaries around now, ha ha. I´m the oldest in my district of four.

 This is us trying the coffee substitute church members here like to drink.  It's gross.

On an exchange with another elder below.  Brazilian Pizza is delish!

I can´t believe it´s almost Mother's Day and time to video call you guys again.  I feel like I literally just spoke with you all a month ago. I think staying in the same area for so long made time go by faster.

I´ll try to call sometime in the evening my time, so it´ll be a little before noon your time. I´m still not sure as to where we will be calling you from; Elder Shakespaere didn´t really plan that out. It will probably be viaS kype, but the bishop has an iPad so I´m going to see if we can do it at his place if he with Facetime. We´ll see. Either way, I´ll be calling you.

Love the pics, Dad! I miss Mt Rainier. Got some great scenery here too though!  My new area is really nice; we´ve got a great view of the island. I´ll send some pics.

More exotic plants exist here than the interior. The orange flower comes from a tree.

Gotta go! Love you Mom!
Talk to you this Sunday!
Elder Duffin