Monday, May 25, 2015

Getting Over a Virus and Outwitting Wily 16 Year Olds

Hey Mom,
I did not know it was Memorial Day today until I read your email. The month of May went so fast, it was practically non-existent to me; can´t believe it´s almost over now.
This past week was kind of rough. Monday and Tuesday I was sick, stuck in the apartment, and Wednesday I was not much better. The cold turned into a sinus infection, which I am still kind of battling. I´m nearly over it now. 
Then Elder Shakespaere unfortunately (but not surprisingly) came down with the same bug. He's recovered more quickly than I have, though.

Notwithstanding, the week went by pretty quickly.
I made cake mix cookies.

Sorry to hear about Catriel´s car! [She suffered a hit and run in a parking lot]  That sucks. Hope you find the cheapest way to fix it.

That´s nice that Jon will get to spend some time in Italy again! I´m sure that will be fun for him.

I´m having a good time with Elder Shakespaere; we get along great. 

Weird story from this week:  On Wednesday, we went to the house of an investigator we have and when we got there her 16-year-old daughter came out to the gate with her mom´s Book of Mormon in her hand and said, ``My mom told me she doesn´t want to talk to you guys any more and you can take this back.´´ I told her we´d like to talk to her mom one more time and asked her when we could come back and find her at home. A few days later we came to the house and found our investigator there. When we talked to her we discovered that she had no intention of discontinuing our visits and still wants to be baptized. Her daughter had totally lied to us in an effort to get her mom to stop talking to us. The daughter was there that night and looked very upset that we were there. I think her pastor told her to do it. The odd things that happen on the mission!

I´ll send you some pictures now.  Beach photos!

Love you Mom!  I miss you a lot. Talk to you next week.

Elder Duffin