Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Report & Update on Brazilian Visa

Hey Mom!
I got the pictures you sent me and I've gotten all of the post cards. No package yet; it seems like packages take longer. Thank you so much!
Sounds like you've all had some interesting weeks! Catriel says Enders Game came out. I'm super jealous!
I'm sending off your birthday card in the mail today and a few pictures.
My Halloween was alright. We went to our ward's trunk or treat; we were happy to see two less active families there.  We came in early and I studied some Portuguese. Elder Shuler was distracted that night with an electronic keyboard a member gave us and we all played a card game later, so we didn't clean anything. I ate a lot of Twix bars. 
I got an update on my Brazilian visa today; they say they're still working on it, and they'll continue to notify me about it, basically.
That story about Grandpa is hilarious! Props to him!  [Note: Grandpa Duffin pulled an elaborate prank on Paul that didn't come off the way he'd hoped.]  Too bad it didn't work the first time; that'll be awesome when they do it to someone else though, haha. 
No, I'm not too homesick; though I do miss you all! Hearing from all of you helps. I love the pictures you sent me. 
It doesn't seem like it's Fall here; it just cooled down a bit, and we've had some impressive rainstorms, but other than that, it's like the middle of summer up in Washington. Green and sunny.
I never really understood why Sandy Cheeks is from Texas, until I got here. There are SO MANY SQUIRRELS HERE! Squirreltopia is what this; they're EVERYWHERE. It's awesome.
That's an awesome story of yours from the post office. Reminds me of some of the people I met at Target. XP  [Note: I relayed a story of being delayed in line at the Bonney Lake Post Office by a woman who was unaccountably mystified about receiving a Thank You note in the mail.]

I'm sorry to hear that about Sister (Jeanette) Larsen. :(  Hope she gets better. If you can, you should get me Spencer's email; I've been wanting to email him.
Also, you should see if you can get me Jawn Waynehouse's  and Stephen Bernecker's email too; would you?
I love you Mom! Glad to hear you're all doing well! :)
Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin