Monday, November 18, 2013

Confused Deer, Utahns Awed by Fog, and Teaching News

Dear Mom & Dad,

I'm doing okay; I get frustrated with myself sometimes, but all in all I'm having a good time here.

I've been really consistent in writing an entry every day in my journal. You'll be amused at some of the entries from my MTC days; you can tell when I started to fall asleep while writing them, haha.
Thank you for the Letter example, Mom! lol. And yes, I do know how to use apostrophes; I just type as fast as I can when I email and I don't catch some things :P  [We've been having some discussion on the proper way to address envelopes.  S.]

I'm sad to hear the Glenn's are moving :(  Glad you were able to see them off!

I got your post card of the Oregon bridge today! The Elder I was telling you about doesn't dislike you sending me postcards; he's just baffled by all the postcards I get from you---haha.
This is me and Elder Zeller. He was in my district.

My zone conference last week was good. The mission prez is a good teacher and speaker.

As far as teaching stories go, I mostly teach less active members throughout the week. We do have a handful of investigators though.

We have one investigator out of the six we teach, named John, who just finished reading the Book of Mormon, and on his own decided to re-read it. We had a lesson with him just yesterday morning. We teach him in our neighbor Julio's apartment. Julio is the sweetest old man you'll ever meet. He's a member of our Spanish branch and he's John's co-worker; he teaches John about the Gospel at work and got John to come over and have lessons with us in his home, every Wednesday and Sunday. John is making the most progress out of all the other investigators we're teaching.

Glad to hear the Seahawks are having a good season. Everyone here follows the "Texans," and they're not doing so well, from what I've heard. (There's a sister we teach that breathes football, so I hear all about the Texans every time we teach her). The Texans logo is painted on almost everything down here.

Two days ago, as my companion and I were out walking around seven o'clock, we saw a very confused looking deer in front of Walgreens. He obviously didn't know where he was; it was pretty amusing.

Other wildlife spotted:
I was surprised to find a real live Tribble on the side of our apartment one morning. It's a caterpillar.
It's been very foggy and humid today. My companion is from Utah, and has never seen real fog. His reaction was pretty funny; he wanted to take pictures of it.

More weather:

It rained super hard one day. The ground here is all clay, so floods ensue. This is someone's front yard.
I attended the baptism of Kurt, the hyperactive kid I've told you about, on Saturday. His dad got to baptize him.  It was heartwarming to see.  Elder Shuler and I were the witnesses.

This was the sunset of Halloween evening.
I'm sorry to hear your Rick Steve's tour to London didn't work out! You'll have a good time on your own though; you'll be able to speak to the foreigners.

Well, I'd better send you some pictures and write to some other people; Thanks for writing! I love hearing from you! :)

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin