Monday, November 25, 2013

The Men in Black

Dear Mom,
You should TOTALLY send a postcard to Elder Hansen; that'd be hilarious.   Everyone gets stuff here in my apartment except my companion, Elder Shuler.  He is allergic to just about everything except Turkey and Rice, so sending him food might not work out so well. :P  He is a Dr Who fan too, so we quote it all the time.

Elder Shuler and I have a car. He has some sort of bone disorder, so we can't ride bikes. We just drive everywhere. It's been a blessing though because it's gotten cold down here for the past 3 days and having a nice warm car to travel in is nice.

We will be eating Thanksgiving dinner at the home of a young couple named the Bartons. They've had us over for dinner before and we like them a lot. Brother Barton is almost a carbon copy of Uncle Ron Duffin---from personality to hairstyle to the sound of his voice. It's weird, haha. Elder Shuler loves Thanksgiving because he can eat turkey and potatoes and that's what people serve.

I go to bed at 10:30 pm every night and wake up at 6:30 am every morning. Most nights I want to go to bed earlier than 10:30 but priorities demand otherwise. We usually get back to the apartment at 9:00 pm (never later than 9:30 pm) and then we plan out the schedule for the next day, which takes a while.

I failed to tell you last Monday that my ward mission leader, Brother Brown, went up to Washington on Friday and offered to visit you all while he's up there. I gave him your phone number; did you ever talk to him?

Sad to hear that Dad is sick! :( Has Grandad gotten over his bug?
We've been having Washington weather for the past 3 days. Cold and rainy. :P  It started with an enormous thunderstorm on Saturday.

Here's a quote for you: There was a guy I met a few days ago who is now an investigator. He said he wanted to go to the singles ward here after we invited him to church. So yesterday we showed up at his place with the singles ward Elders to introduce him and give him a ride. When we came out in our suits and stuff, he said,  "Y'all are, like, the 'Men in Black' for Jesus!"

Ha Ha---made my day! XD

Glad to hear everything is going well! I'll send you a few pictures now.
[Pictures did not arrive = sadness.  S.]

I love you Mom! :) Thanks for writing to me!

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin