Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mostly about Mail and Food...

Hi guys,
The Elder in our apartment who picks up all our mail is exasperated by how many postcards I get from you, Mom, ha ha. I have them in a stack on my desk.
Sorry I wasn't able to email yesterday; the library was closed for Veteran's day, and the computers in the church building were all claimed by the Sister missionaries. :P Oh well.
Sorry I didn't put your name on the envelope with your birthday card; I'm not accustomed to writing letters. In fact, I was half worried that I didn't put the addresses in the right places on the envelope. I blame the technological advancements of this day and age for my inept letter-sending skills.

Glad to hear life is going well and staying interesting for you!
Oh, I got the Jam you sent me! Thank you! It's almost gone :(  I have one pickled bean left from the jar that Grandad sent.  I'm trying to save it.  I'm pickling store-bought pickles in the leftover brine now. lol.
We don't get fed by members every night, but we are by no means in danger of starving. We have a ridiculous amount of food in our apartment. I've been able to live off of about 20 bucks a week on my own. My poor companion can only eat rice and turkey. He's allergic to all other kinds of meat and can't eat any corn or corn products, which means he can't eat hardly anything you buy at a supermarket. He can eat fruit and Hershey's chocolate though.
I've been doing okay out here.  We've been pretty busy with teaching appointments; there's rarely a day when we don't have less than 3 or 4 lessons scheduled. Right now we only have 5 investigators and one of them is progressing very well.  Two of them are married to one another. All of them live in League City, Dickinson, and Houston. (My apartment is in League City).  We mostly work with less active members though. 
I like the Fall photo's you sent. It's finally starting to look like fall here; a few trees are starting to change color. It still feels like the middle of Summer back home though.
The only scenic thing to take pictures of here are the sunsets; I have a few sunset photos I'll be sending next week. 
We have a Zone conference tomorrow, so I'll be at the mission office most of the day.
Well, I'd better get off the computer. We are eating at a member's house today and I don't want to be late!
Love you mom & dad! Thanks for writing!  Keep me in your prayers!
love, Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin