Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Turning 21 in Brazil

Hey Mom!

Sorry I didn´t write yesterday. This city only has two lan houses [places to email] and both were closed :P Got permission from prezident to email today.

I really enjoyed talking to you all on Christmas! We ate a small dinner at the member´s place right after I stopped skyping you. Glad the rest of Christmas was good for you.

Ha ha ha! I´m sorry I missed the family white elephant gift party; your story cracked me up!

I´m super jealous about you guys seeing the Hobbit and Into the Woods! Catriel and I have a movie marathon planned for when I get back, so I guess we´ll have to add those to the list. 

I totally forgot it was my birthday this morning. I was looking at our calendar, writing down who we´d be lunching with for the week and I looked at my watch to see what day it was today and it said the 30th. For a second I was like, ``... there´s something about the 30th that has significance, but I´m not sure what it -- OH MAN! IT´S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY; WHAT??´´ Ha ha!

I do not feel any older; maybe a little tired, but not older.. I'm 21 years old now. The drinking age here is like twelve, so there´s nothing special about age 21 to Brazilians!
I'm reminded of the time Dad and I were driving along and then Dad said, `` Oh hey; it´s your birthday today! Happy Birthday.´´ I had completely forgotten it was my birthday that time too.

I guess my driver's license is dead now; looking forward to getting another one  ha ha NOT.

We´ll probably stay for the evening at one of the member's houses tomorrow for New Year's. I´m sure the people here will light off more fireworks and blare their car horns incessantly to celebrate.

Glad you´re all doing well and that I was able to talk to you all on Christmas! Looking forward to Mother´s Day when I can do it again! :)

I got you a nativity, Mom; just trying to figure out how best to send it back to the states :)

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! Talk to you next week.

Elder Duffin

Friday, December 26, 2014

Skype Visit on Christmas Day--Video clip included!

Shari here.  We had a great visit with our missionary on Christmas Day.  He called on Skype.  Jim, me, Catriel, Grandad, Erma, and Uncle Brett were here.  We dialed up Jon and Hillary on Facetime and held the screen up so that Jon and Ben-Daniel could talk.  At the same time, we had Grandma and Grandpa Duffin on speaker phone so they could talk as well.  After Grandma and Grandpa hung up, Aunt Christi called, so she got to talk to BD, too.  Quite a talk-fest!  

It's a real 21st century Christmas when you can connect family in Brazil, England, Washington, and Oregon all at once. 

I took a few notes.  Here's what Elder Duffin had to say:

There was about fifteen minutes of technical difficulties where he could hear and see us, but we only had visual.  He typed a little, but mostly fussed with the laptop he was on.  Finally, the microphone kicked in and we could visit easily.

We asked him to speak in Portuguese for us, which he did at length.  I think he was just telling us what he'd done all day.  The member whose house he was at wandered in from time to time and chatted with him in Portuguese.  We learned that Merry Christmas in Portuguese is "Feliz Natal."  Ben-Daniel's language skills sounded great to us!

He is now training a new missionary named Elder Stahn from Idaho.  He said Elder Stahn only waited one month for his visa (quite different from his own year-long wait).  He will be in the Xanxerê area for another month or so while he shows the new elder the ropes.

He looked mildly sunburned.  He said the Portuguese phrase for this is "I took some sun."  He does a lot of walking.  They are in the middle of their summer, but it wasn't too hot out.

He talked a little bit about the area and what it's like.  He said it reminds him a lot of Southern Oregon in some ways.  Lots of dragon flies and millions of frogs. "Though, I've never seen a live one," he commented.  (Apparently frogs are frequent road kill.)  He talked about seeing many hummingbirds.  They are called beija-flor, which means "flower-kisser." He also talked about the blackberries that grow on trees.

Xanxerê is a small city surrounded by a more rural area.  It is pronounced "Shan-sher-ray" which sounds really pretty, but means "Snake-hole."  He and his companion are the only missionaries in the whole city.  He says most people they meet work in construction or at restaurants, but there are quite a few small farms on the city outskirts.  He was skyping us from a chicken farm owned by one of the local members.

He's told us before that most people he meets have never met any Americans.  They mostly assume he and his companion are Germans.  Not a lot of people speak English.  Interestingly, the people who speak the best English are the younger folk who play video games.  He said gamers speak much better English than the formal English teachers he's met.

He likes being in a more scenic area and said that Florianopolis (the capital city of the state of Santa Catarina) is very beautiful. Locals call it "Floripa."  He's hoping to serve in that area before he comes home.

He talked a little bit about the missionary work in Xanxerê.  They are on foot and mostly call on referrals from members--no door-knocking.  He commented a little on people's reactions.  He said in the states, people have the attitude, "There is only one true church and it is mine!"  Then, if they took the lessons and converted, their attitude was still, "There is one true church and it is mine!"  In his area, the attitude is, "All churches are true" and they go to all of them.  Apparently retention of members is an issue.  He likes staffing missionary displays in the local parks and talking to interested people there.

It's not super easy for him to get mail.  The safest place for him to receive mail is at the mission office in Florianopolis.  The mission president meets with them once every six weeks or so and brings them their mail.  Out of four packages we've sent, only two have reached him so far.  The most recent one he received was from Grandma and Grandpa Duffin.  I sent him a birthday card in mid-November, but it looks like he won't get that till mid-January.  He said he doesn't mind getting things late as long as they eventually arrive!

We had a nice, long visit with him and are grateful he's happy and doing well.  If anyone feels like writing him, he loves getting mail!  His address is:

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin
Missao Brasil Florianopolis
Rua Feliciano Nunes Pires #42
Centro-Florianopolis, SC
CEP: 88015-220
For a regular envelope, you can use the Global Forever stamp, available at your friendly, local post office

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas party report and Elder Close says "Adeus"

Hey Mom!

The Christmas conference last week was good! We just had a big party in a church building: lots of food, ping pong, board games, and video games for the Kinect. We did that pretty much all day. The mission president is really good at ping pong but he cheats at checkers (I played him and he makes up his own rules that ensure his victory, lol).

Elder Duffin is in the second row, seventh from the right
I also got one of your packages at the conference (not the one that was taxed; it was the one with all the food stuff and the santa decoration). :D Thanks so much! I had actually been craving Cheez its for a while; you read my mind! haha.

Today is my last day with Elder Close. He´s leaving for another area and I´ll be staying here. I´ll also be training my new companion. I don´t know yet whether he´s a new missionary who actually needs to be trained or just an American visa waiter like I was.

I´m not particularly happy about staying here (the work here is slow and I´ve never been in an area for longer than two transfers) but whatever.  I´m going to try to make the best of it. 
Sounds like you had a fun week! Glad to hear Uncle Steve is doing well and that his birthday party was fun. 

Sorry to hear about your back, Mom and about the pets and the broken glass!  I hope Grandad´s back is doing better, too (it seems like we all have bad backs in this family!)

I´m excited for Jacob! He´ll have a lot of fun there, I´m sure. Give him my email and tell him to write me. [Family friend Jacob Wagner received a mission call to England last week]

I´m happy to hear Grandma and Grandpa will be visiting you guys on Christmas! I´m looking forward to talking to you all. It will probably have to be via Skype, but we´ll see. I´m in the process of finding members who have Internet access and will be home on Christmas. 

[You can get in touch with a lot of people on Skype]
Looking forward to talking to you all on Christmas day!  Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do! :)

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Season in the Southern Hemisphere

It doesn´t feel like Christmastime. There are a few decorations around, but it´s summertime so that makes it really weird. I haven't felt cold weather since March! But thankfully they do celebrate Christmas here. It was a bummer not to have Halloween or Thanksgiving. 
Looks like dinner on P-day.  Soda and maybe pizza.
I think I took a picture of a giant metal Christmas tree they have here. I´ll send you some pics today.

You asked what kind of wildlife I've seen.  They have the same little brown finches we have back home, sparrows, a type of bird with two really long tail feathers, another type of bird that makes little mud huts instead of nests, scarab beetles, mosquitoes, ants, wasps, dragonflies, frogs--nothing too out of the ordinary. It´s a lot like Oregon, actually. People in the country have horses and cows. Everyone has dogs and cats. I´ve met some pet parrots, too.
This is the only wildlife photo he sent.
We´re having our Mission Christmas party this week; I´ll be traveling around for three days again to get there and back. I´ll send you pictures of that next week. :)
A picture from November's trip to Florianopolis on the bus.
I received a package from you last week, but I have to pay a tax on it to get it. Happy to get the package though! I should actually get it next week.

Jon and Hillary look cute in their jumpers! Christmas in England has got to be a fun experience. 

I like the pictures Dad sent. Wagner really looks like Santa Claus!  Ha ha! Grandad and Erma look nice, too.

Say Happy Birthday to Uncle Steve for me this weekend. And say hi to Grandma and Grandpa for me too! 
I´ll try to send you some pics now. Tell everyone I´m looking forward to seeing them this Christmas on skype. :)
Kidding around with the other missionaries
Love you Mom! Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Story of Six Bus Rides

Hey Mom!

I like the pics you sent! Sounds like you all had a great Thanksgiving. :) Grandad looks like he´s having fun in that picture of everyone watching the Seahawk game.  Glad to hear Jon and Hillary are having a good time too and that you got to talk to them. I got their birthday card last week. 

This last week was very different. We were traveling around almost all week long. On Wednesday afternoon we took a bus to Chapecó and met up there with all of the other missionaries in our zone. 


Then we all got on a different bus the mission arranged for and took a twelve hour trip to a city close to Florianopolis. The bus ride was fun; everyone in our zone gets along well. 

We arrived around 6:30am on Thursday. We had a conference with Elder Costa of the Seventy that day. It was really cool; he´s a great speaker. We had a nice meal in the church building with half the mission. All of us Americans had forgotten it was Thanksgiving; it wasn't until after the conference that we realized we'd just had our Thanksgiving dinner! So I actually got a nice big meal on Thanksgiving! Ha ha. What luck. In the evening we got back on the bus and took another twelve hour ride back to our side of the state of Santa Catarina. 

 We arrived in Chapecó in the morning and took a bus back to Xanxerê.  

We just worked there until 6pm. Then we packed our bags and took another bus back to Chapecó

We stayed the night in the Chapecó apartment with the other elders in the zone. On Saturday, we had a training session with our mission president and then had interviews with him. After that we went to the Saturday session of stake conference. So, in total, we were in the church building for about 13 hours straight that day!

Then we stayed another night with the zone in Chapecó and on Sunday we attended the other half of stake conference. Then we took a bus back to Xanxerê with our branch and worked the rest of the evening.  That´s what happened this week! Lots of running around, but it was good.

I´m really jealous that you guys have snow!!! It´s been pretty hot and sunny here. Today it´s not too bad. I miss cold weather, though.

Glad you´re feeling better and over your bug. Tell Catriel to get better too.

Love you Mom! :) Thanks for writing me--I appreciate all you do! 

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin

[Note from Shari: Anyone wishing to send Ben-Daniel a Christmas card--or other mail--can use this address:

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin
Missao Brasil Florianopolis
Rua Feliciano Nunes Pires #42
Centro-Florianopolis, SC
CEP: 88015-220

For a regular envelope, you can use the Global Forever stamp, available at your friendly, local post office]

[Various Brazilian buses in this post courtesy of Google images]


Monday, November 24, 2014

Fully Re-stocked in Pickled Beans! And other important things...

Hey Mom! Glad to hear you guys are doing good! So am I! :) Last Friday we had Zone conference and I got your package! :D It was the big one with the church sticker on it. I also got your card with the pictures in it. I was feeling down that day and it really cheered me up. :) Thank you so much.

Luckily, my companion thinks the pickled beans look gross and he doesn´t want to eat them. Ha ha!
Tell Grandad thanks and that I think about him and Erma every day.

And thank you for the peanut butter--it´s ridiculous how expensive it is here.

Unfortunately the day I got the package was also the day we decided to give our DVD player to another companionship, so I can´t listen to the Enya CD you sent. :P Oh well.

I also got a card from the Daughertys and one from Jon and Hillary. :) Tell them thanks for me!

The weeks keep passing by faster and faster. I´ve been in Brazil for three months now. I don´t believe that at all--ha ha. It will be Christmas before I know it. My Portuguese has improved quite a bit.

There's no Thanksgiving holiday down here. I think the only holiday they have in common with us is Christmas. But members are very good about feeding us. Their whole culture revolves around lunch--ha ha. The only Brazilian holiday I´ve been here for so far is the day their Republic started. Everybody celebrated by not working and shutting themselves up inside their houses all day. After the election last month, they celebrated by honking their car horns non-stop and drinking at gas stations. (There´s not much for people to do here, sadly.)

That´s a really cool story, Dad! [Jim wrote about a time on his own mission when he and his companion ran out of food on a Sunday. A lady in their ward became convinced that the missionaries needed food and sent her husband over with a big platter of dinner.] That same food situation happened to me about a year ago, only it wasn´t because we failed to shop. There were three of us and one of us was Tongan--ha ha.

Not too much to report. We´re trying to do Family Home evenings with all of the less active families in the branch (which basically means everyone in the branch). We´ve done a few so far and they´ve worked out really well! We´re doing another one tonight.

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me! I´ll talk to you next week! :)
Elder Duffin

Monday, November 17, 2014

Book of Mormon Expo in the Park

Hey Mom!

I´m doing good. Sorry to hear about your cold! :( Hope you´ll get better soon!

I was just remembering how everyone in Texas hated the Seahawks and were completely baffled that they won the Superbowl. Ha ha ha! 

Not much has happened this week. I was going to and from Chapeco for a number of reasons. Mostly because my companion is the district leader and he had to be there to see departing missionaries out and transferred missionaries in. Because the bus only leaves later in the evening on weekends we had to be there all day.

On exchange with Elder Saldana
We had another Book of Mormon exposition last Friday! I like those; they're fun. We´re going to be doing them at least once a month from now on.

Our next zone meeting is this Friday, so I might get one of your packages this week! :)

Sorry that I won´t be there for Sarah´s wedding in December! [Sarah Duffin is BD's cousin from California]  Oh well.  Don´t worry, Mom.  I´ll never get married in December.  Having my birthday, Christmas and an anniversary in the same month would just be robbing me of two extra holidays.

I can´t believe Christmas is coming up so soon! A lot of people down here have Skype, but I´m really hoping I´ll find someone with Facetime so I can see you guys better.

Glad to hear Uncle Steve is doing well after his surgery. 

Ha ha ha--I like the pictures you sent, Dad! Looks like you guys are having fun with Uncle Brett. I still have the Brazilian soccer jersey he gave me a few years ago; I wear it here on P-day´s. :)

This is one of the pictures Jim sent him.
Catriel, your stories from the church dance made me laugh--ha ha ha!  You'll be able to come with me to the New Year's single adult dance in Seattle after I get back.  That one's really fun.  And there are awkward encounters there also--ha ha ha.

Love you Mom!  Hearing from you all is the highlight of my week! :)

Get better soon!

Elder Duffin