Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year from Texas!

Dear Mom,
I'll answer all your questions.
I've not gotten the birthday package yet.
New Year's Eve was fun. We had to return to the apartment at 7:00pm, so we played Mexican Train and Quelf for a few hours. We have a great view from our apartment window, so we watched fireworks too. People set off a lot of fireworks here in Richmond.
My companions and I have a lot of fun together. There's no shortage of entertainment among us. Elder Heitonga saw a helium balloon for the first time last week. His reaction was hilarious. He was shocked. He pointed at it and was like, "How does it do that?!" hahaha.
We live next to an older lady. We think she might be racist, because one day while we were returning to our apartment she opened the door, pointed at Elder Heitonga and started babbling incoherently about how she doesn't trust him and how "our bible" doesn't say anything about teasing and that people have been following us around because we've been "teasing something and they don't like it." Very weird. The only interaction we've ever had with her is saying "hi" in the complex, so we were quite taken aback.
Me and Elder Heitonga
We have been riding bikes a lot lately. A few days ago we got three new investigators in one day, just from biking around and talking to everyone we met.
I've not gotten the package from Jon and Hillary yet. I did get a Christmas card from you at the mission Christmas conference; it was nice! :)
Glad to hear you're all doing well! Sorry to hear Catriel is sick. I came down with a nasty cold yesterday, so I've been laying low too. :P
Other than that, all is well here! :) I live in a nice area with nice people. Been enjoying working here.
I'll send you a few pictures now.
Bowling on my birthday!

Love you Mom! I enjoy hearing from you every week!
Elder Duffin