Monday, January 20, 2014

Hippies, Summery Weather, and a Steak Dinner

Hey Mom! Glad to hear from you.

I'm doing well in the new area. It covers part of the richest area in our mission, so I've seen a lot of mansions. Really neat, expensive places. The area is really nice. The weather has been perfect and sunny all week, which is nice because we don't have a car and we bike everywhere. 
[Ben-Daniel sent this with no comment attached.  Texas humor, I guess!]
My companion is a cool guy too. He's about a year younger than me and has been out two months longer than I have. He is not waiting for a visa. His last companion just got his and is now in Angola, Africa. That elder sent him pictures today and I'm really glad I did not get called to Africa.

I've heard lots about the Seahawks' victory from the Football zealots down here. Proud to be from Seattle! Actually, I take satisfaction out here in the mission telling people that I'm not from Utah. So many people automatically assume I must be from Utah because I'm Mormon; it's awesome to shatter that stereotype every time, haha.
I'm ready to go to Brazil now, though. In eight days I will have completed six months of the mission here in Texas :P  I really want to start getting fluent in Portuguese. I've been enjoying the time here in Texas though; the weather makes it awesome.
[He's bragging about the nice, summery weather, but he sent us this picture of fog]

Oh, I taught a Muslim guy in a Hooka cafe last week. It was one of the more interesting things that I've experienced out here on the mission. We had a good lesson with him. He's a hippie who converted to Islam to marry his girlfriend. Interesting dude. 
I ate a steak dinner last night at a Stake dinner (yes, you read that right, haha), so that was pretty cool. Other than that, I've mostly just been biking around. 

Yes, I did get Danielle's letter; that's very exciting! [Danielle is Ben-Daniel's cousin.  She's just been called on a mission to Mexico City.]  Nice for Grandma and Grandpa too. Tell them they should be expecting a letter from me soon; I'm gonna try to mail it off today.
Dad sent me a picture of Duffin's Donuts in Canada; my friend Nephi found that place a year ago and told me about it! That's cool that he got to go there; did he demand a discount? Ha ha.
Jim's picture from Vancouver, BC

I'm looking forward to more adventures in Europe with you when I get back! Be safe in your travels to London. Tell me all about it!

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me! :)
An elder here taught me how to write in Tolkien Elvish; really cool!

These are my favorite pens. The doodle there is called Kupeshi, or polynesian tribal tattoo art.