Monday, January 13, 2014

Last Minute Transfer!

 Dear Mom & Dad,

Glad to hear you're all having fun and that the Seahawks are doing well!  Dad, those pictures you sent me of Seattle are awesome! I like the ferris wheel; that's really cool. 
I got all of the packages last Monday, after I had emailed you. Thank you! And tell everyone I say thanks too!   [ie, packages from Grandad and Jon & Hillary = received]
The weather down here is awesome; it's 70 and sunny. Feels like the middle of summer back home.
I just got emergency transferred into a different area because some other elders got their visas in and had to leave. So, last night at 7:00pm the mission prez called and told me I had to be at the church, packed and ready to go at 6:30am this morning. So I'm in a different area now. :P
My new companion's name is Elder Schwemmer. He's a nice guy. We were talking about our hobbies back home and when I told him that I'm a cartoonist, he said,
"I used to think art was pretty easy; but then I took an art class in high school and realized that it actually takes skill--like in sports."   That made me laugh, haha!
We're emailing at a library that only gives us an hour to do anything on the computer. I'm short on time, so I'll send you a few pics and get off the computer.
Love you! Glad to hear from you! :)
Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin