Monday, March 24, 2014

Avoiding Alligators and Waffles

Hey Mom!

Well, the city I'm now in is called Lake Jackson but there isn't an actual lake called Jackson in it---  ha ha.  There are a few man-made lakes here, though. The popular thing for housing developers to do down here in Texas is to make artificial lakes to build houses around so they can raise the prices. Some of them are quite nice. They all usually get alligators living in them though, so you can't swim in any of them.  I've been told there's a lot of alligators in the rivers and lakes, but I haven't been to any of them yet. Hope to get some pictures of some.

Dad, your pictures of the cherry trees in bloom are beautiful! Has the weather improved much up there? It's starting to get warmer and more humid down here. I'm out in the boonies now; it's kind of like a marshland. There's a bunch of huge trees hanging with "old man's beard" and lots of wildlife. We saw huge herds of deer walking around everywhere and lots of hawks. The weather has been nice.

Mom, I've found as I've been in members' homes for dinner appointments, that you've fed me a lot more healthy than other people feed themselves. I've also found that I don't like not eating healthy; waffles and bacon for dinner was not appetizing for me. :P


On Saturday we had a correlation meeting with our Ward Mission Leader and with the sister missionaries in our ward. The sisters picked up mine and Elder Jensen's mail for us; they texted us saying that we both got mail from girls. 

We were perplexed at this as neither of us have girlfriends back home, so we were wondering all morning who our letters were from. When the sister missionaries finally gave us our mail, it turned out that Elder Jensen's was a letter from his mom and mine was a postcard from you! The sisters thought their joke was hilarious. :P  But I was happy to get another postcard from you!

Houston is full of immigrants; most of them are Chinese and Indian. In my last area, we would sometimes go to Chinatown on P-days; once we went shopping in a Chinese grocery market. That was interesting.

Anyhow, I'm doing good.  It was Elder Jensen's birthday yesterday and we celebrated in a member's home. I'll send you some pictures! 
This is where we celebrated Elder Jensen's birthday last night.

Dad, I've been to a lot of people's houses and heard a lot of life stories, and let me tell you, you put a lot of other people's dads to shame. Thanks for being such a great example to me of what a husband and a father should be and for bringing Zion into our home. I realize more and more every day just how blessed I am because of you and your conduct in our family. Your advice to me on the mission has always helped a lot, too!

Love you tons Dad! Thanks for writing me! You're in my prayers :)

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me and keeping me in your prayers! You're in mine too! :)

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin