Monday, March 10, 2014

Transfers! and Elder Hansen makes an unfortunate mistake...

Hey Mom,

Sounds like you all had a good week! Glad to hear it. 

Yes, I did get the package and the pickled beans! I haven't gotten any post cards though. 
I received news this morning that both my companion and I are getting transferred this Wednesday.  I don't know where either of us will go. I'm pretty excited though, seeing as there's not much work available in this area. Sad to leave Elder Schwemmer though; he's a great companion. President Ashton is putting Sister missionaries in to replace us; that's good because I think Sisters will do better in this area than Elders.

My friend Elder Hansen went home today; his mission's over. We saw him off this morning. He was pretty bummed. In contrast, the other Elder that left with him was ecstatic. We got some funny pictures.
Me and Elder Hansen from a while ago
I don't know if I have any funny stories. A few weeks ago Elder Hansen filled his apartment with pepper spray, thinking it was air freshener. I don't know if I told you about that or not, ha ha!
There was one thing that happened to us this week that was pretty funny, but it's the kind of story I think only Dad would appreciate; you'd think it was gross and weird ha ha.

Anyway, I'm doing well! Excited about transfers this Wednesday. This past week went by fast.

That's exciting about Grandpa going to Vietnam. I hope he takes Paul or Andrea with him, too.

Glad to hear you're all doing well! Thank you for your support, emails, and prayers! I love you!

Talk to you next week! :)

Elder Duffin