Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring in Houston, Missing Blackberry Pie & Thoughts on Jesus

Hey Mom!

Good to hear from you and glad all is well. :)

We've had beautiful weather down here all week. Since it's starting to warm up again, the bugs are starting to come back; at night we find literally thousands of June-bugs flocking around light bulbs. 

It's really nice out today. After emailing, Elder Jensen and I are going to help a family in the ward with hedging and then go play golf. (There are a lot of golf courses in the Houston area) So that should be fun.

I'm amazed at how fast time has flown; it's already April! I'm looking forward to face-timing with you and everyone on Mothers day! :) 
Our last Face-time visit on Christmas day

I got the rest of your postcards and one from Jon and Hillary! Thanks! :)  I emailed Jon and Hillary today; hope to hear back from each of them next week.
Sad to hear about the mudslide; I heard about it from people down here. Glad no one we knew was there :/

Uncle Brett is going to Brasil for the world cup, right? I'm not sure when I'll get my visa; I'm really hoping it'll come before summer really hits down here, though.

To answer your questions:  We got a new investigator last Monday. We helped him move with our stake President and the stake president invited him to have dinner with him and us today. The guy, (his name is Dave) has a wife who is a member and is interested in learning more. So that'll be nice.

Other than that, we haven't found anyone else. We had two teaching appointments with two of our investigators---but they were both not home when we went to their houses.

Well, you know I am missing homemade blackberry pie, lol, but that might be hard to ship :P  
Blackberry pie
 [Jim wrote BD about a talk our bishop gave on Sunday on missionary work and how Christ reached out to people as individuals]  Yeah, I knew Brother Bower would make a good bishop. He's an excellent teacher. I really enjoyed his mission prep class. One thing I noticed about Jesus is that he's always mentioned as being at parties or eating with people. He just hung out with people; he was someone everybody liked to be around, because he was a good friend. I think that impacted how large the number of His early followers were.

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! I think of you every day! 

Talk to you next week! 

Elder Duffin