Monday, March 17, 2014

It's a Small World! and A New Area

Hey Mom!

Glad to hear you got the camera card. Don't delete any of the photos on it; I plan on using some for stuff when I get back home.  Glad you enjoyed the videos.

You asked about the video of Elder McCleve at the MTC; he was doing just that---acting like a chimp with a balloon, haha. My stay at the MTC was interesting. I can't believe it's been about 6 months since I was there; that's just unreal! 

I especially liked the last video of the big guy on the stage at the ward Chili cook-off in Richmond.  He was wearing the top hat; did you see that one? The card didn't have enough memory for me to film their whole skit, which was hilarious. Wish I could've gotten that---darn it.

Yes, I did get all the postcards from England---thanks! Looking forward to going there with you all after the mission. I've gotten lots of letters from people in the ward. I really don't have time to write letters out here, so please tell everyone I thank them for their care! :)

The place that I'm in now is called Lake Jackson. My companion's name is Elder Jensen. We get along great; he's cool. His aunt's brother-in-law is Jeffrey R Holland, he told me. We've got a great bunch of elders in our district too. We went on a ward camp-out on the church grounds a few days ago, so I met a lot of the members there.

At transfers I met an Elder McGuire, who turns out to be my cousin Ben McGuire's brother! 

Me with Elder McGuire
I've got a picture with him. Small world! There's also an Elder Philips in this mission who used to live right next to Uncle Paul and baby sat his younger kids. He says he's friends with Rachel.

Those flower pictures you sent are beautiful! There are these small trees that are blooming little bright purple flowers right now down here. I don't know what they are, but they're pretty. I'll see if I can get a picture of one for you next week.

The weather is warming up and getting more humid, and is occasionally interrupted by cold fronts, like today. I really hope I'm in Brasil before summer hits; I've heard horror stories of Houston heat, haha.  :P  So pray for my visa too! 

I'll send you a few pictures now! :) 
The two elders who went home last week.  Hansen didn't want to leave, but Bethers was actually quite happy lol

This is me with Hansen and Bethers

This is me and a less active member named Chris who Elder Schwemmer and I worked with a lot.

This is my companion Elder Schwemmer and a member who would always drive us around.
Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! :) Talk to you next week! 

Elder Duffin