Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy & Productive in Richwood

Hey Mom & Dad!

I'm doing good. The heat and humidity finally hit today, which just happened to be the day we packed up all our stuff and moved into the new apartment, ha ha. This apartment is nicer than the last one though---less mold, and more spacious. :)

So, my new mailing address is:

200 Timbercreek Dr #910
Richwood, TX  77531

We're doing a lot of work in this area. It seems like prepared people are just falling into our laps. We teach a lot here, which is really nice. I'm happy. Still hoping the visa comes before it gets really hot, though.
Some answers to your questions: Yes, our investigator Rick made it to church yesterday. Not at 9:00 am, when he was supposed to come, but to the later ward's services. He'll be getting baptized this Saturday.  We're almost to the point of baptizing weekly.
We have a car (thankfully). No need for bikes! 

Please let Grandad know I got his email!  I'll respond when I can (this goes for everyone else who emails me). It takes me a while to get back to everyone.

Is Danielle going to the Provo MTC then, if she doesn't have her Mexican visa yet? Tell her the high school Spanish I took does help. The gift of tongues helps even more though, ha ha! [His cousin Danielle is leaving for a mission to Mexico City soon.]

Glad to hear Grandma is doing better! Sounds like you all had an awesome weekend! I was with you in spirit! :)

I found time to make Catriel a birthday card; I sent it off today. I don't know how long it takes the mail to get there.

I have a few pictures to send to you, so I'll do that now.

A lighter moment in Texas

Love you Mom! Thanks for your love and prayers! You and everyone else back home are in mine.

Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin