Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sharing news of Baptisms, Star Wars, and Mold (but not in that order)

Hey Mom!

I'm doing well! I just got your package; but I haven't opened it yet. (This morning was pretty busy. I spent a lot of it deep cleaning our shower. I'm sick of mold.)

I'd like to go to some writing classes with you when I get back home! One of the things the mission has gotten me to realize is just how much time I wasted right out of High School. When I get back, I'm going to devote my time to doing things that are fun and productive; writing in particular.

Things have been going well down here; we had an investigator get baptized and confirmed this last weekend, so that was awesome! We're having another investigator get baptized this next weekend too! This last week has been very busy; we've been teaching a lot. I'm very happy about that. We have five solid, golden investigators who will be baptized soon. And we didn't do anything to find them--- they came to us.
This is Rick, our recent convert, between Elder Rogers and me. The man to Rogers' right is the member who baptized him.
A month ago I was sitting in a zone meeting and I had a revelation which told me that if I wanted to find people to teach, I'd have to have faith that I have the ability to teach anyone according to their needs---whoever the Lord puts into my path. Since then I haven't doubted the abilities the Lord has given me and He's blessed us for it.

This is my zone.  I don't know why we're all "talking on phones."
Catriel's birthday party sounded fun! Wish I could've been there! Hope she's safe and has fun at the concert in August! 
Haha Star Wars Day---I knew about that. I like Catriel's Darth Vader T-shirt. I didn't know we had a red light saber though! [We sent him a Star Wars themed photo of us.  He returned the compliment below.]

May the Fourth be with you!
 I forgot to tell you in last week's letter, but last year when Blackanne started having those weird aging quirks, I noticed that taking her out to Mt Rainer with Jake seemed to help her. She lost some of the quirks I was noticing after we got back from that. I think exercise is something she needs a lot of.

On Mothers Day we might have to talk over Skype. I've been trying to find a member who has Facetime on a tablet; I'll keep looking. In any case, the family we end up calling you from will phone you beforehand. Looking forward to it!

​This was my dinner last night. It was pretty good!
Love you Mom! Thanks for the package! I'm thankful for all you do for me and I'm looking forward to seeing you on Mother's day! :)
Dad, sorry you've been grounded (literally) with no airplane for a while.  Thanks for all you do for me; I love you very much and am proud of saying I have parents with a healthy marriage who live the gospel.
Talk to you all next week,

Elder Duffin