Monday, May 19, 2014

I Like Being a Missionary!

Hey Mom!

I'm doing well. the past week seemed longer than it really was; I think it was because of the temple trip we had on Tuesday

That was a lot of fun. We drove about two hours up to Houston on Monday night and spent the night in another couple elders' apartment. Then we left at 4:00 in the morning for the Temple. We packed 65 missionaries into one endowment room and did a session. Afterwards we had two hours in the training room with our mission president and the temple president and got to hear them and their wives. It was neat.

Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary happened this week. Still teaching a lot, which is nice. We have two investigators left who are on target for being baptized; though each will be baptized next month. 

One of my drawings

The weather has been nice down here too, though I'm afraid it is not scenic at all. I'm sorry to say that compared to the Pacific Northwest this area is...less than pretty. The people are really nice though and that's more important. :)
The Gulf of Mexico.  It's brown.
I wish I could've gone hiking with you! [We sent him pictures of a hike we did on Mt Peak here close to us]  I really wish I could do that here. I miss hiking. And walking. We spend most of our time sitting right now and I miss the exercise! 

That story about Hogan on the hike made my companion laugh, ha ha! Poor dog. Glad to hear that everyone is well and having a good time! :)

I'm coming up on my year mark in less than three months! I can't hardly believe it. It doesn't feel like it's been a year at all. I've had a number of dreams where I'm back home and I'm dumbfounded because it doesn't feel like my mission was two years long; then I remember what my last area was and I panic because it hasn't been two years and I'm wondering why I'm home! Then I wake up and feel thankful that I've got a year left.  I like being a missionary :) 

I'm looking forward to coming home though in 2015. I can't wait to spend time with you all again! I miss you! :)

Thanks for writing me, Mom.  I'll attach a few pictures. 
Last bit of the blackberry pie you mailed me (plus a few kernels of packing popcorn)

A state of blackberry pie-induced bliss

Love you!

Elder Ben-Daniel Duffin