Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Visit via Skype

Hi Folks,

Shari here.  We got to visit with Ben-Daniel for about an hour and a half via Skype on Mother's Day.

Our screen view of him; there were some technical difficulties, so he only got audio from us.

I'm going to give you a quick summary of his news with a few pictures he sent on Monday.

Ben-Daniel reports:
  • He's still enjoying Houston but says it's totally because of the really great people and not the humid weather or the vast variety of insect life that call it home.
  • He loves the area he's in right now because they are teaching nearly full-time.  This level of activity hasn't happened in any of the other areas he's served in, so he feels really blessed.  They are baptizing lots of people.  Here's one:

  • He's not stressed about the Brazilian visa; he's says it'll get here when it gets here.  He thinks it will be soon, though.
  • He told us a few stories.  One was about the day he and his companion were walking by a dumpster.  His companion threw a banana peel in the bin and a feral cat came flying out "Right at my face!"  I won't repeat what he said to the cat.
  • He says that Texans continue to be baffled by the Seahawk Super Bowl win last February.  Whenever someone finds out that he's from the Seattle area, he says he's treated to a lot of head shaking and puzzlement.  He enjoys this.
  • He sends his thanks to the Daughertys and other families who have written to him.  He only has 90 minutes to read and send emails and says that he usually only has time to write to immediate family.
  • He sends his best wishes to his cousin Danielle, who is leaving on a mission to Mexico City this week.
  • He wishes Braden Willits would email him.
  • He has plans to visit an Alligator Park soon and also the Houston temple.  He sent me this picture of flowers outside the temple (because he knows his mom loves flowers):
 That's about it!  He sends his love and good wishes to everyone back home.