Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Funny Parable on the Consequences of Poor Decisions"

Hey Mom!

Sorry that I didn't write on Monday. We worked yesterday since everybody was home for Memorial Day.
I'm doing well. Teaching lots of people! Busy, busy, busy. One change I've seen in myself out here is that I don't like to sit still for very long anymore; I have to be doing something or going somewhere. Which is good, because there are a lot of people we're teaching right now. Many will soon be baptized too :)

I heard Uncle Brett got his Brazilian Visa to go to the World Cup.  Stinker.  Mine will get here when it gets here.

Uncle Brett and his tourist visa to Brazil

I will be sending some stuff back to you before I go to Brazil. Elder McCleve advised me to get rid of as much unnecessary stuff as possible. (My suitcases are already pretty heavy right now.)

Did I tell you about what I did to my big suitcase the morning I left the MTC? This is ridiculous. At 2:00 am the morning we left we had to take our suitcases down the stairs to get out of our dorm rooms. I was moving my suitcases (which were strapped together) by the handle of the big suitcase, and I decided it would be easier to drag them down the stairs rather than carry them. So I did. The extending handle broke off in the process, almost immediately. So my big suitcase no longer has an extended handle. It's a little awkward to drag around now, but not too bad. 
Sample broken suitcase handle courtesy of Google Images
It was a big consequence for a moment's laziness; the only good that came out of it is a funny parable on the consequences of poor decisions :P haha

Memorial day was nice and sunny for us down here, but it's dumping rain now, ha ha. 

I can't really think of any funny thing that happened this week. I feel like last P-day was only two days ago; the weeks are flying by. We got a new investigator named Henry. We taught him again last night. He has some promise; we're just trying to get him to read and pray.

I'm hoping to stay in the area I'm in now until I get my visa comes in. We're doing lots of work here and I like teaching so often.

I like the flower pictures! You have the nicest back yard in the neighborhood!

I miss you guys! Glad you and the rest of the family are doing well. :)

Love you, mom! Thank you for your prayers and support!

Talk to you next week,

Elder Duffin