Monday, August 25, 2014

Adeus Texas!

Hey Mom!

I'm doing good. Still packing. I have to mail off a box of stuff to you today; I'm trying to get my bags as light as possible. :P

I will be flying to Atlanta first, then to Sao Paulo, Brazil. I have about an hour and a half layover in Georgia. My flight from Houston leaves at 3:30 a.m. Texas time, so I'll be calling in the very early morning.

It was STUPIDLY DIFFICULT to find a phone calling card. Walmart didn't have them; even the AT&T store didn't have them. I finally found one at a seedy gas station. :P

Sample seedy gas station

But yeah; just packing and getting ready to leave! I'm really excited to go. :)

Because I am leaving at the same time as the departing missionaries [ones who have finished their missions and are going home], I've been getting the departing missionary treatment. :)  I got to go with them on the temple trip on Friday and I get to join them for a steak dinner with the mission president tonight, too. So that's pretty cool!

School starts for everyone in Texas today; I've been seeing lots of buses.  I can't believe Catriel will have graduated by the time I get back!!  I liked my senior year a lot; I think she'll enjoy it too.
I'm sorry to hear about Grandad's health problems (and crazy neighbors). He's in my prayers every day.

I like the pictures you sent, Dad! Did you guys shave Hogan's legs, or did he do that himself? Ha ha.

I get super jealous every time you go on nature hikes. [We wrote him about hiking near Mt Rainier last weekend.]  But I'm going to see some beautiful sites here pretty soon, from what I've heard about Brazil.

I don't have my card reader on me right now, so I can't send pictures today; sorry.  I look forward to talking to you tomorrow! :)

Thanks for all you do for me!

Elder Duffin