Monday, August 18, 2014

Madly Finishing Up in Texas

Hey Mom!

Sorry if this is short. Today has been one big mad dash to get everything done and shop for stuff. I've been up since 5 a.m. and I'm kind of exhausted.  :P

I got the white shirts today; thank you! I will be trying to mail you a box of stuff before I leave. Not sure when I'm going to be able to mail them off, but there's no way my bags won't be overweight if I don't.  

We've got a lot of appointments set up for this week; so my last week in Texas will be a busy one. That'll be nice.

Not much to report here, other than it's ridiculously hot.

Oh, we went to the temple on Saturday with our recent convert. I did the work for three of my ancestors; that was cool.

Your story about the little girl disrupting the priesthood choir made me laugh. I was in a ward a few transfers ago where they didn't like to sing at all; it was the most awkward thing in Sacrament meeting. 

Hope you had a good birthday Dad! I like the photos you sent. You all look very nice, but you need to smile, Dad! Ha ha.

That's cool that Jacob Wagner is putting his papers in.  Maybe he'll come to Texas and replace me! :)

Sorry to hear about Michelle's mom's illness; I'll be praying for them.

Sounds like you had a good time at hemp fest! Ha ha! [We took some visiting family members to Seattle last Saturday and ran into lots of crowds and a disproportionate number of bicycle cops.  Turns out we'd wandered into the middle of Hemp-fest.]  I remember during my senior year Dad and I were in Seattle and that same thing happened to us.

Not much else to write about--just preparing to leave and preparing the area for the next set of elders.

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me!

Talk to you later,

Elder Duffin