Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"The word for Coconut in Portuguese is ridiculously similar to the word for Poop..."

Hey Mom!

Glad to hear New Year's was fun for you! It was kind of fun for me, too. We headed in early and watched the city nearly literally explode with fireworks.  Some of them were being lit off from the other side of our street and would blow up right above our apartment building; that was fun to see!  I stayed inside for the evening and cartooned and made silly rap videos.
We should be doing more traveling next Monday; I need to take Elder Stahn back to Florianopolis to do something with his identification, so that´ll be fun. It´ll probably also mean I won´t email on Monday again. 

I'm still jealous of your weather. Maybe not the wet part, but I miss the cold.

I remember "Those Damn Sandwiches"-- ha ha! They are really good! [He's referring to a family sandwich recipe with an unusual name.]
"Those Damn Sandwiches"
Tell Sarah that Cody looks like some sort of  country singer with that beard in the picture you sent! (I'm having flashbacks to when I decided it would be a good idea to grow facial hair. I don´t know why I thought that was a good idea! Cody pulls it off better than I did, though.)

Work has been pretty slow here for the past few months and is only just starting to pick up. We taught an older guy on Saturday. In our lesson he said, ``If I´m following the wrong religion then it´s my parents who are at fault, because they decided to raise me in it!´´ I couldn´t help but chuckle at this. He was totally trying to avoid taking any personal responsibility for his spiritual well being. I think some people just don´t want to change or add something new to their lives, especially if they´re comfortable. 

A lot of less active members were at church yesterday! That made me happy. We´re trying to help a few of the less active families back into activity.
I can speak Portuguese pretty well now; I'm hoping to be fluent by the time I come home! The word for coconut in Portuguese is ridiculously similar to the word for poop and I made the mistake of confusing the two in trying to compliment a member on their coconut cake at Christmas. So they thought that was a riot-- ha ha!

Not much else to say! I´m having fun training Elder Stahn; we like a lot of the same things and we talk a lot. I´m afraid I´ve been kind of homesick lately but I´m trying to stay focused. Summer will come faster than we think! 

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me! 

Have a great week!

Elder Duffin