Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Trip to Florianopolis and lots of PICTURES

Hey Mom!

This last week we had zone conference and I got a mountain of letters and a package! (It´s the one with all the food stuff in it: Christmas cookies, cereal, pickled beans, etc.) Thank you!!! I also got my ``manly stache´´ birthday card ha ha ha. Very funny! Jon and Hill sent me a bday card that´s pretty clever; I think you´d like it. I´ll bring it back with me.

At zone conference.  Sister Haight (who was in my district at the MTC) goes home at the end of this month!
[He has recently traveled to Florianopolis--nicknamed "Floripa" by locals--with his new companion, Elder Stahn.]

I got the Hartman´s Christmas letter when I went to Floripa, but that was it. I actually didn´t check for packages--that was stupid of me! Oh well. We´ll be having interviews with the mission president on the 22nd; he´ll bring anything we´ve received at the mission office with him. 

We had some free time while we were in Floripa and did a little sight seeing. I kind of wish I was serving there; it´s very beautiful and I miss big cities. Boy, was it HOT though. I´ll see if I can´t send some you some pictures.
Elder Duffin in Floripa


I´m (miraculously) nearly fluent in Portuguese now! The work here is pretty much the same as in the states; just in a different language. God has answered my prayer and has given us a few prepared people to teach! The main one is a 15 year old named Arnold (very Brazilian name, right? Ha ha). He´ll get baptized on the 31st!

No, I hadn´t heard anything about the terrorism in France. I thought I was out of the loop while I was in Texas, but we are REALLY out of the loop down here. We pretty much don´t hear about anything that happens outside of Brazil.

I´ll try to send some pics of Floripa to you now!

Elder Stahn & Elder Duffin

Love you Mom! Hope you have a fantastic week!

Elder Duffin