Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas Pictures, Weather-Talk, and a Report on the Work!

Hey Mom!

I think it´s very funny to see you all become such devoted football fans! [We wrote him right after the Seahawks won their NFC championship game and were a touch excited.]  Sounded like a fun game to watch though! Wow.  I guess our house has become a football stadium for the Duffin/Steelsmith family! That´s cool; let me know how the party goes when they win the Superbowl again.

Sorry to hear you´ve got a cold, Mom. Get better soon!  And I like your Game Day manicure. You should paint little white 12´s on your blue nails 

Yes, the cookies [in the Christmas box] were edible! I´ve been trying to savor them and make them last. I only have one coconut macaroon and one jam tart left I don´t know when I should eat them. (#firstworldproblems) Ha ha!

Me at the Christmas Conference
 It´s been pretty darn hot here lately. I´m really jealous of your cooler weather. It´s really hot and sunny during the day and then every evening for the past week a ginormous storm blows in. A couple of days ago we had a very impressive lightning storm; got some cool video of it.  In fact, I just looked outside and it´s now pouring down rain. I did not bring an umbrella to the Lan house. Darn it. The weather has been very hot and then it just dumps rain in the evenings ; it´s been doing this almost all week!

Work continues down here. We have a 15 year old guy named Arnold who has been investigating the church for the past few weeks. The mission has a rule here where people under age 16 must wait three months before they can get baptized, unless their parent or guardian decides to get baptized too. Yesterday we had a lesson with his parents; it went pretty well. I´m hoping that they´ll start coming to church with Arnold, like we invited them to do. Hopefully they´ll both get baptized.

Christmas Eve Dinner!
Other than that, we really have no other investigators right now. We´ve been working with a few less active families and one of them has started coming back to church! They´ve been coming for the past four weeks. I´m happy about that. We also had a great turnout at church yesterday.

Training Elder Stahn is going well! We get along great. He´s picking up the language very fast.

First photo with Elder Stahn

This transfer has gone by waaaayyyy fast for me. I only have four more after this. Can´t believe I´ve been in Xanxerê for four months now. I think staying in one area for a long time makes time pass faster. I hope I get to serve in other areas though; I like moving around.
I managed to send you guys some more pictures today! Here are a few from the city center of Xanxerê:

And a few from outside the city:

The flora and fauna here remind me a lot of Oregon.

I really enjoy seeing pictures Dad sends of you guys every week; thank you.

Love you Mom & Dad! Emailing is the highlight of every week for me--I love hearing from you. Thanks for encouraging me on the mission and for everything else you do!

Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin