Monday, March 23, 2015

Summer Ends in Brazil, Upcoming Baptism, and Thoughts on Posture

Hey Mom,

Ha ha, yes, I am eating.  I´ve been managing the money they give me quite well.
A weird fruit I ate at lunch this week
I don´t have much in the way of interesting stories. Our investigator Arno will be baptized on the 4th of April. We will be doing his baptismal service in between the first and second sessions of General conference! I´m excited for this because his whole family only wants to come to our church to see his baptism; they didn´t want to attend one of our regular services. (Although I feel if they did, they would enjoy it and consider being baptized too.) I have told them that the service of his baptism will start at 3:00pm, which is when conference starts, so when they come to Arno´s baptism they will watch the first session of conference before he gets baptized. 
Me with my zone group
We´ve got a few stellar people to teach right now, so that´s cool. Hoping that more of them will get baptized before I leave this area at the end of April.

The last day of Summer was officially a few days ago, though today it is still quite warm. Yesterday was actually cool. I think I´ve already told you that I´ve acquired a fiery hatred for hot weather during the course of my mission. I am very ready for all the heat to end. At least the summer here is not as bad as Houston.

I would like to get into running when I come home; maybe Christi and Doug can teach me a few things. I don´t think I could do something as extreme as a 50 mile run, though! [BD's aunt is training for a 50-mile Ultra-run]

I do remember the Diaz' (neighbors) in our neighborhood. Tell them I say hi and thanks for thinking of me!
Cool Brazilian Bugs
Sorry about your sore back, Mom.   Hope it gets better! I kicked my habit of cracking my back and neck right before the mission and I haven't had any problems since. My posture is terrible, though, especially when I´m sitting.
I think carrying a man-purse adds to the problem. I´m almost tempted to tape my back in the mornings like [a certain relative who shall remain nameless] did. I would love to have posture that good when I´m older.
Love hearing from you! Talk to you next week

Elder Duffin

Monday, March 16, 2015

Another transfer in Xanxerê, Upcoming Baptisms, and Talk of Cookies & Maple Bars

Hey Mom!

Well, I didn´t get transferred. I will be in Xanxerê until the 26th of April. I will have spent seven months here by then 

It´s okay though; my mission president said this´ll be my last transfer in this area. We´ve got some exciting things that will happen during this time, too. Our investigator Arno will be baptized on April 4th and we have a family of three who will be baptized sometime that month as well. And we´re working with another family of three during that time as well.

Brazil had a huge nationwide protest against their president yesterday; we were not allowed to leave our apartments all day. Elder Stahn made cookies   (Elder Stahn will be staying with me for this transfer as well.)

I have not seen anything about St Patrick's day down here. They don´t have any of those kind of holidays, it seems like. They don´t do Halloween or Valentine's day either.

The weather here is still hot. It usually rains in the evenings though. Summer is on the down-slope now, I think (I hope).

Sounds like Dad is having fun in Boston! I think that would be a very interesting place to visit.  I´m jealous of the snowy weather you´re enjoying. It´s been summer weather for me for almost a year straight now--só falta dois meses.
Your primary class sounds entertaining, Mom. Ha ha!

I´m glad that I´ll get to visit Sarah and Zac [Ben-Daniel's cousin & her husband] when I go to Idaho for college. I know a lot of people in Idaho now.

Looking forward to receiving your packages! I'm excited about the raspberry jam; that´s by far my favorite kind, with plum as a close second!   Raspberry in Portuguese is ``framboesa.´´

I still need to ship you the nativity set, Mom; I´ll put some other stuff in there with it if I can.

Love you Mom! Talking to you every Monday is the highlight of my week!  (I miss doughnuts, particularly maple bars, but I miss you all more!)

Have a great day!

Elder Duffin

Monday, March 9, 2015

Baptisms, Desserts, and Scary Insects--in that order

Hey Mom,

We had another baptism last Saturday. His name is Mateus; he was the only person in his family that hadn´t been baptised yet, so they were all very happy. My camera died before I could get pictures of me with him, but Stahn got photos so I 'm sending them.
Mateus and his family
This is João, who was baptized last week
Yes, I have had the Brasilian dessert you asked about. They´re called Brigadeiras. 
They also adore flan; they call it Pudim (prounounced Pu-jeem).  I am not fond of flan at all. There´s another dessert that is kind of like flan but more liquidy and fruit-flavored.
Then there´s this type of cake they make out of graham crackers that is pretty good. The rest of their desserts are pretty much the same as ours--cake, ice cream, etc.

They really like soda here, too. There´s always soda at the lunch table. I´ve been asked, multiple times, if the USA has Coca Cola. They don´t know much about our country; only what they see on the news--so they think all of America is completely frozen over like New York has been lately. They get very wide-eyed when they tell us about it and ask if our families are okay.

My companion has 9 older siblings and about 20 nieces and nephews.  It makes me think it will be interesting to be an uncle someday.

Me and Elder Stahn--uncle to many

One of the giant storm waves overtaking Xanxere
Not much else new on my end. I´m just hoping to be transferred in a week.

Here´s me with a giant moth

This is my district group

The spider was hiding in the church doormat.

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! Looking forward to skyping with you on Mother´s Day! 

Elder Duffin

Monday, March 2, 2015

First Baptism in Brazil + some Thoughts on Prayer

Hey Mom,

Sounds like you had a fun week; glad to hear it. 

Carnaval was very quiet here; everyone left and went to the places where they have all the crazy parades and stuff.  I think most of that was happening on the coast.

No, I won´t be going to the mission office anytime soon, for all I know. Maybe, if I get transferred to Floripa. Don´t know. Hoping I get transferred though.

Thanks for doing my taxes! I hope 2014 is the last year that I didn´t make any money! ;P Ha ha!

Tell Dad to get better soon; I had a cold this week too.  My four month healthy streak met its end. The cold didn´t last long though.

We had a baptism last Saturday; an older guy named João. My first baptism in Brazil! I would send pictures but this computer wont let me! Maybe next week. 

Here's something I've learned on the mission about answers to our prayers.  Sometimes when I pray about things and don´t seem to get an answer, I find it´s because it really doesn´t matter either way. A lot of times I´ve prayed in the morning asking what I ought to teach someone with whom we've scheduled a lesson that day and I couldn´t seem to get a definite answer (which is weird because I almost always do). 

Every time this has happened, I found that the people we were going to teach didn't make it to the appointment. I didn´t get an answer about what to teach them because I was never going to get to teach them that day anyway; it didn´t matter. This has happened a lot--to the point where I now know if we´ll actually get to see people when we´d planned to or not.

Sounds like you had a good week, aside from the Suburban problems. Can´t believe Grandad has been able to keep that vehicle alive for this long; you´ve had it since I was in preschool.

I like the pictures, you sent Dad. Very Film Noir-ish.  I'm really wishing my camera took panoramic shots like your's can; there's some cool scenery here that would look great in a panoramic shot.  Oh well, some of my pictures turn out pretty good though.  

Love you Mom & Dad; thank you for all of your love and support.

Have a great week! Talk to you next!

Elder Duffin

P.S. And the dress is totally blue and black. That´s very strange.