Monday, March 23, 2015

Summer Ends in Brazil, Upcoming Baptism, and Thoughts on Posture

Hey Mom,

Ha ha, yes, I am eating.  I´ve been managing the money they give me quite well.
A weird fruit I ate at lunch this week
I don´t have much in the way of interesting stories. Our investigator Arno will be baptized on the 4th of April. We will be doing his baptismal service in between the first and second sessions of General conference! I´m excited for this because his whole family only wants to come to our church to see his baptism; they didn´t want to attend one of our regular services. (Although I feel if they did, they would enjoy it and consider being baptized too.) I have told them that the service of his baptism will start at 3:00pm, which is when conference starts, so when they come to Arno´s baptism they will watch the first session of conference before he gets baptized. 
Me with my zone group
We´ve got a few stellar people to teach right now, so that´s cool. Hoping that more of them will get baptized before I leave this area at the end of April.

The last day of Summer was officially a few days ago, though today it is still quite warm. Yesterday was actually cool. I think I´ve already told you that I´ve acquired a fiery hatred for hot weather during the course of my mission. I am very ready for all the heat to end. At least the summer here is not as bad as Houston.

I would like to get into running when I come home; maybe Christi and Doug can teach me a few things. I don´t think I could do something as extreme as a 50 mile run, though! [BD's aunt is training for a 50-mile Ultra-run]

I do remember the Diaz' (neighbors) in our neighborhood. Tell them I say hi and thanks for thinking of me!
Cool Brazilian Bugs
Sorry about your sore back, Mom.   Hope it gets better! I kicked my habit of cracking my back and neck right before the mission and I haven't had any problems since. My posture is terrible, though, especially when I´m sitting.
I think carrying a man-purse adds to the problem. I´m almost tempted to tape my back in the mornings like [a certain relative who shall remain nameless] did. I would love to have posture that good when I´m older.
Love hearing from you! Talk to you next week

Elder Duffin